Перевод: со всех языков на все языки

со всех языков на все языки

indicating distinction

  • 1 from

    1) (expr. starting point) von; (from within) aus

    [come] from Paris/Munich — aus Paris/München [kommen]

    2) (expr. beginning) von

    from the year 1972 we never saw him again — seit 1972 haben wir ihn nie mehr [wieder]gesehen

    from tomorrow [until...] — von morgen an [bis...]

    start work from 2 Augustam 2. August anfangen zu arbeiten

    3) (expr. lower limit) von

    blouses [ranging] from £2 to £5 — Blusen [im Preis] zwischen 2 und 5 Pfund

    dresses from £20 [upwards] — Kleider von 20 Pfund aufwärts od. ab 20 Pfund

    from 4 to 6 eggs — 4 bis 6 Eier

    from the age of 18 [upwards] — ab 18 Jahre od. Jahren

    from a child(since childhood) schon als Kind

    4) (expr. distance) von
    5) (expr. removal, avoidance) von; (expr. escape) vor (+ Dat.)
    6) (expr. change) von

    from... to... — von... zu...; (relating to price) von... auf...

    from crisis to crisis, from one crisis to another — von einer Krise zur anderen

    7) (expr. source, origin) aus

    buy everything from the same shopalles im selben Laden kaufen

    where do you come from?, where are you from? — woher kommen Sie?

    8) (expr. viewpoint) von [... aus]
    9) (expr. giver, sender) von

    take it from me that... — lass dir gesagt sein, dass...

    10) (after the model of)

    painted from life/nature — nach dem Leben/nach der Natur gemalt

    11) (expr. reason, cause)

    she was weak from hunger/tired from so much work — sie war schwach vor Hunger/müde von der vielen Arbeit

    from what I can see/have heard... — wie ich das sehe/wie ich gehört habe,...

    12) with adv. von [unten, oben, innen, außen]
    13) with prep.

    from behind/under[neath] something — hinter/unter etwas (Dat.) hervor

    * * *
    1) (used before the place, thing, person, time etc that is the point at which an action, journey, period of time etc begins: from Europe to Asia; from Monday to Friday; a letter from her father.) von
    2) (used to indicate that from which something or someone comes: a quotation from Shakespeare.) von
    3) (used to indicate separation: Take it from him.) von
    4) (used to indicate a cause or reason: He is suffering from a cold.) an,von
    * * *
    [frɒm, frəm, AM frɑ:m, frəm]
    1. (off) von + dat
    please get me that letter \from the table gib mir bitte den Brief von dem Tisch; (out of) aus + dat
    he took a handkerchief \from his pocket er nahm ein Taschentuch aus seiner Hosentasche
    I'm so happy that the baby eats \from the table already ich bin so froh, dass das Baby jetzt schon am Tisch isst
    2. (as seen from) von dat... [aus]
    you can see the island \from here von hier aus kann man die Insel sehen; ( fig)
    she was talking \from her own experience of the problem sie sprach aus eigener Erfahrung mit dem Problem
    \from sb's point of view aus jds Sicht
    3. after vb (as starting location) von + dat
    the wind comes \from the north der Wind kommt von Norden
    a flight leaving \from the nearest airport ein Flug vom nächstgelegenen Flughafen
    the flight \from Amsterdam der Flug von Amsterdam
    the water bubbled out \from the spring das Wasser sprudelte aus der Quelle
    \from sth to sth (between places) von etw dat nach etw dat
    my dad goes often \from Washington to Florida mein Vater reist oft von Washington nach Florida; (indicating desultoriness) von etw dat in etw dat
    the woman walked \from room to room die Frau lief vom einen Raum in den anderen
    4. (as starting time) von + dat
    , ab + dat
    the price will rise by 3p a litre \from tomorrow der Preis steigt ab morgen um 3 Pence pro Liter
    \from the thirteenth century aus dem dreizehnten Jahrhundert
    \from sth to sth von etw dat bis etw dat
    the show will run \from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. die Show dauert von 10.00 Uhr bis 14.00 Uhr
    \from start to finish vom Anfang bis zum Ende
    \from day to day von Tag zu Tag, täglich
    her strength improved steadily \from day to day sie wurden jeden Tag ein bisschen stärker
    \from hour to hour von Stunde zu Stunde, stündlich
    \from time to time von Zeit zu Zeit, ab und zu
    \from that day [or time] on[wards] von diesem Tag [an], seitdem
    they were friends \from that day on seit diesem Tag sind sie Freunde
    \from now/then on von da an, seither
    as \from... esp BRIT ab... + dat
    as \from 1 January, a free market will be created ab dem 1. Januar haben wir einen freien Markt
    5. (as starting condition) bei + dat
    prices start \from £2.99 die Preise beginnen bei 2,99 Pfund
    \from sth to sth von etw dat auf etw dat
    the number has risen \from 25 to 200 in three years die Anzahl ist in drei Jahren von 25 auf 200 gestiegen
    she translated into German \from the Latin text sie übersetzte aus dem Lateinischen ins Deutsche
    things went \from bad to worse die Situation wurde noch schlimmer
    \from strength to strength immer besser
    she has gone \from strength to strength sie eilte von Erfolg zu Erfolg
    tickets will cost \from $10 to $45 die Karten kosten zwischen 10 und 45 Dollar
    \from soup to nuts alles zusammen
    the whole dinner, \from soup to nuts, costs $55 das ganze Essen mit allem drum und dran kostet 55 Dollar
    anything \from geography to history alles von A bis Z
    6. after n (at distance to) von + dat
    we're about a mile \from home wir sind ca. eine Meile von zu Hause entfernt
    a day's walk \from her camping spot eine Tageswanderung von ihrem Zeltplatz
    \from sth to sth von etw dat zu etw dat
    it's about two kilometres \from the airport to your hotel der Flughafen ist rund zwei Kilometer vom Hotel entfernt
    \from sth aus + dat
    though \from working-class parents, he made it to the Fortune 500 list obwohl er als Arbeiterkind aufwuchs, ist er heute unter den 500 Reichsten der Welt
    my mother is \from France meine Mutter stammt aus Frankreich
    I'm \from New York ich komme aus New York
    daylight comes \from the sun das Tageslicht kommt von der Sonne
    8. after vb (in temporary location) von + dat
    , aus + dat
    he hasn't returned \from work yet er ist noch nicht von der Arbeit zurück
    she called him \from the hotel sie rief mich aus dem Hotel an
    they're here fresh \from the States sie sind gerade aus den USA angekommen
    his return \from the army was celebrated seine Rückkehr aus der Armee wurde gefeiert
    sb \from sth von + dat
    they sent someone \from the local newspaper sie schickten jemanden von der örtlichen Zeitung
    9. after vb (as source) von + dat
    can I borrow $10 \from you? kann ich mir 10 Dollar von dir leihen?
    the vegetables come \from an organic farm das Gemüse kommt von einem Biobauernhof
    sth \from sb [to sb/sth] etw von jdm (für jdn/etw)
    I wonder who this card is \from ich frage mich, von wem wohl diese Karte ist
    this is a present \from me to you das ist ein Geschenk von mir für dich
    \from sth aus etw dat
    the seats are made \from leather die Sitze sind aus Leder
    in America, most people buy toys \from plastic in Amerika kaufen die meisten Leute Spielzeug aus Plastik
    11. after vb (removed from) aus + dat
    to extract usable fuel \from crude oil verwertbaren Brennstoff aus Rohöl gewinnen
    they took the child \from its parents sie nahmen das Kind von seinen Eltern weg
    he knows right \from wrong er kann gut und böse unterscheiden
    sth [subtracted] \from sth MATH etw minus etw dat
    three \from sixteen is thirteen sechzehn minus drei ist dreizehn
    12. (considering) aufgrund + gen
    , wegen + gen
    to conclude \from the evidence that aufgrund des Beweismaterials zu dem Schluss kommen, dass
    to make a conclusion from sth wegen einer S. gen zu einem Schluss kommen
    information obtained \from papers and books Informationen aus Zeitungen und Büchern
    \from looking at the clouds, I would say it's going to rain wenn ich mir die Wolken so ansehe, würde ich sagen, es wird Regen geben
    13. after vb (caused by) an + dat
    he died \from his injuries er starb an seinen Verletzungen
    she suffers \from arthritis sie leidet unter Arthritis
    to do sth \from sth etw aus etw dat tun
    he did it \from jealousy er hat es aus Eifersucht getan
    to do sth \from doing sth etw durch etw akk tun
    she made her fortune \from investing in property sie hat ihr Vermögen durch Investitionen in Grundstücke gemacht
    to get sick \from salmonella sich akk mit Salmonellen infizieren
    to reduce the risk \from radiation das Risiko einer Verstrahlung reduzieren
    they got a lot of happiness \from hearing the news sie haben sich über die Neuigkeiten unheimlich gefreut
    14. after vb (indicating protection) vor + dat
    to guard sb \from sth jdn vor etw dat schützen
    they insulated their house \from the cold sie dämmten ihr Haus gegen die Kälte
    they found shelter \from the storm sie fanden Schutz vor dem Sturm
    15. after vb (indicating prevention) vor + dat
    the truth was kept \from the public die Wahrheit wurde vor der Öffentlichkeit geheim gehalten
    the bank loan saved her company \from bankruptcy das Bankdarlehen rettete die Firma vor der Pleite
    he saved him \from death er rettete ihm das Leben
    he has been banned \from driving for six months er darf sechs Monate lang nicht Auto fahren
    \from doing sth von etw dat
    he boss tried to discourage her \from looking for a new job ihr Chef versuchte, sie davon abzubringen, nach einem neuen Job zu suchen
    16. after vb (indicating distinction) von + dat
    conditions vary \from one employer to another die Bedingungen sind von Arbeitgeber zu Arbeitgeber unterschiedlich
    he knows his friends \from his enemies er kann seine Freunde von seinen Feinden unterscheiden
    his opinion could hardly be more different \from mine unsere Meinungen könnten kaum noch unterschiedlicher sein
    \from the bottom of one's heart aus tiefstem Herzen
    * * *

    he/the train has come from London — er/der Zug ist von London gekommen

    he/it comes or is from Germany — er/es kommt or ist aus Deutschland

    where have you come from today?von wo sind Sie heute gekommen?

    where does he come from?, where is he from? — woher kommt or stammt er?

    a representative from the company — ein Vertreter/eine Vertreterin der Firma

    2) (indicating time, in past) seit (+dat); (in future) ab (+dat), von (+dat)... an

    from... on — ab...

    from now on — von jetzt an, ab jetzt

    from then onvon da an; (in past also) seither

    from his childhood — von Kindheit an, von klein auf

    as from the 6th May — vom 6. Mai an, ab (dem) 6. Mai

    3) (indicating distance) von (+dat) (... weg); (from town etc) von (+dat)... (entfernt)
    4) (indicating sender, giver) von (+dat)

    tell him from me —

    "from..." (on envelope, parcel) — "Absender...", "Abs...."

    5) (indicating removal) von (+dat); (= out of from pocket, cupboard etc) aus (+dat)

    to take/grab etc sth from sb — jdm etw wegnehmen/wegreißen etc

    he took it from the top/middle/bottom of the pile — er nahm es oben vom Stapel/aus der Mitte des Stapels/unten vom Stapel weg

    6) (indicating source) von (+dat); (= out of) aus (+dat)

    where did you get that from?wo hast du das her?, woher hast du das?

    I got it from the supermarket/the library/Kathy — ich habe es aus dem Supermarkt/aus der Bücherei/von Kathy

    to drink from a stream/glass — aus einem Bach/Glas trinken

    quotation from "Hamlet"/the Bible/Shakespeare — Zitat nt aus "Hamlet"/aus der Bibel/nach Shakespeare

    made from... — aus... hergestellt

    7) (= modelled on) nach (+dat)
    8) (indicating lowest amount) ab (+dat)

    from £2/the age of 16 (upwards) — ab £ 2/16 Jahren (aufwärts)

    dresses (ranging) from £60 to £80 — Kleider pl zwischen £ 60 und £ 80


    (indicating escape) he fled from the enemy — er floh vor dem Feind


    (indicating change) things went from bad to worse — es wurde immer schlimmer


    (indicating difference) he is quite different from the others — er ist ganz anders als die andern

    I like all sports, from swimming to wrestling — ich mag alle Sportarten, von Schwimmen bis Ringen


    (= because of, due to) to act from compassion — aus Mitleid handeln


    (= on the basis of) from experience — aus Erfahrung

    to judge from recent reports... — nach neueren Berichten zu urteilen...

    to conclude from the information — aus den Informationen einen Schluss ziehen, von den Informationen schließen

    from what I heard —

    from what I can see... — nach dem, was ich sehen kann...

    from the look of things... — (so) wie die Sache aussieht...

    14) (MATH)

    £10 will be deducted from your account — £ 10 werden von Ihrem Konto abgebucht


    (in set phrases, see also other element) to prevent/stop sb from doing sth — jdn daran hindern/davon zurückhalten, etw zu tun

    he prevented me from coming — er hielt mich davon ab, zu kommen

    16) +adv von

    from inside/underneath — von innen/unten

    17) +prep

    from above or over/across sth — über etw (acc) hinweg

    from out of sth —

    from inside/outside the house — von drinnen/draußen

    * * *
    from [frɒm; unbetont frəm; US frɑm; frəm] präp
    1. von, aus, von … aus oder her, aus … heraus, von oder aus … herab:
    from the well aus dem Brunnen;
    from the sky vom Himmel;
    he is ( oder comes) from London er ist oder kommt aus London;
    from crisis to crisis von einer Krise in die andere
    2. von, von … an, seit:
    from 2 to 4 o’clock von 2 bis 4 Uhr;
    from day to day von Tag zu Tag;
    a month from today heute in einem Monat;
    from Monday (onward[s]) Br, from Monday on US ab Montag
    3. von … an:
    I saw from 10 to 20 boats ich sah 10 bis 20 Boote;
    good wines from £5 gute Weine von 5 Pfund an (aufwärts)
    4. (weg oder entfernt) von:
    ten miles from Rome 10 Meilen von Rom (weg oder entfernt)
    5. von, aus, aus … heraus:
    he took it from me er nahm es mir weg;
    stolen from the shop (the table) aus dem Laden (vom Tisch) gestohlen;
    they released him from prison sie entließen ihn aus dem Gefängnis
    6. von, aus (Wandlung):
    change from red to green von Rot zu Grün übergehen;
    from dishwasher to millionaire vom Tellerwäscher zum Millionär;
    an increase from 5 to 8 per cent eine Steigerung von 5 auf 8 Prozent
    he does not know black from white er kann Schwarz und Weiß nicht auseinanderhalten, er kann Schwarz und oder von Weiß nicht unterscheiden; academic.ru/637/Adam">Adam, different 2, tell A 8
    8. von, aus, aus … heraus (Quelle):
    draw a conclusion from the evidence einen Schluss aus dem Beweismaterial ziehen;
    from what he said nach dem, was er sagte;
    a quotation from Shakespeare ein Zitat aus Shakespeare;
    four points from four games SPORT vier Punkte aus vier Spielen
    9. von, von … aus (Stellung):
    from his point of view von seinem Standpunkt (aus)
    10. von (Geben etc):
    a gift from his son ein Geschenk seines Sohnes oder von seinem Sohn
    11. nach:
    painted from nature nach der Natur gemalt;
    from a novel by … ( FILM, TV) nach einem Roman von …
    12. aus, vor (dat), wegen (gen), infolge von, an (dat) (Grund):
    he died from fatigue er starb vor Erschöpfung
    13. siehe die Verbindungen mit den einzelnen Verben etc
    f. abk
    1. SCHIFF fathom
    2. feet pl
    3. LING female
    6. foot
    7. PHYS frequency
    8. from
    fm abk
    2. from
    fr. abk
    3. from
    * * *
    1) (expr. starting point) von; (from within) aus

    [come] from Paris/Munich — aus Paris/München [kommen]

    2) (expr. beginning) von

    from the year 1972 we never saw him again — seit 1972 haben wir ihn nie mehr [wieder]gesehen

    from tomorrow [until...] — von morgen an [bis...]

    start work from 2 August — am 2. August anfangen zu arbeiten

    3) (expr. lower limit) von

    blouses [ranging] from £2 to £5 — Blusen [im Preis] zwischen 2 und 5 Pfund

    dresses from £20 [upwards] — Kleider von 20 Pfund aufwärts od. ab 20 Pfund

    from the age of 18 [upwards] — ab 18 Jahre od. Jahren

    from a child (since childhood) schon als Kind

    4) (expr. distance) von
    5) (expr. removal, avoidance) von; (expr. escape) vor (+ Dat.)
    6) (expr. change) von

    from... to... — von... zu...; (relating to price) von... auf...

    from crisis to crisis, from one crisis to another — von einer Krise zur anderen

    7) (expr. source, origin) aus

    where do you come from?, where are you from? — woher kommen Sie?

    8) (expr. viewpoint) von [... aus]
    9) (expr. giver, sender) von

    take it from me that... — lass dir gesagt sein, dass...

    painted from life/nature — nach dem Leben/nach der Natur gemalt

    11) (expr. reason, cause)

    she was weak from hunger/tired from so much work — sie war schwach vor Hunger/müde von der vielen Arbeit

    from what I can see/have heard... — wie ich das sehe/wie ich gehört habe,...

    12) with adv. von [unten, oben, innen, außen]
    13) with prep.

    from behind/under[neath] something — hinter/unter etwas (Dat.) hervor

    * * *
    aus präp.
    von präp.
    vor präp.

    English-german dictionary > from

  • 2 from

    [frɒm, frəm, Am frɑ:m, frəm] prep
    1) ( off) von +dat;
    please get me that letter \from the table gib mir bitte den Brief von dem Tisch;
    ( out of) aus +dat;
    he took a handkerchief \from his pocket er nahm ein Taschentuch aus seiner Hosentasche after vb
    I'm so happy that the baby eats \from the table already ich bin so froh, dass das Baby jetzt schon am Tisch isst
    2) ( as seen from) von dat... [aus];
    you can see the island \from here von hier aus kann man die Insel sehen; ( fig)
    she was talking \from her own experience of the problem sie sprach aus eigener Erfahrung mit dem Problem;
    \from sb's point of view aus jds Sicht
    the wind comes \from the north der Wind kommt von Norden;
    a flight leaving \from the nearest airport ein Flug vom nächstgelegenen Flughafen after n
    the flight \from Amsterdam der Flug von Amsterdam;
    the water bubbled out \from the spring das Wasser sprudelte aus der Quelle;
    \from sth to sth ( between places) von etw dat nach etw dat;
    my dad goes often \from Washington to Florida mein Vater reist oft von Washington nach Florida;
    ( indicating desultoriness) von etw dat in etw dat;
    the woman walked \from room to room die Frau lief vom einen Raum in den anderen
    4) ( as starting time) von +dat, ab +dat;
    the price will rise by 3p a litre \from tomorrow der Preis steigt ab morgen um 3 Pence pro Liter;
    \from the thirteenth century aus dem dreizehnten Jahrhundert;
    \from sth to sth von etw dat bis etw dat;
    the show will run \from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. die Show dauert von 10.00 Uhr bis 14.00 Uhr;
    \from start to finish vom Anfang bis zum Ende;
    \from day to day von Tag zu Tag, täglich;
    her strength improved steadily \from day to day sie wurden jeden Tag ein bisschen stärker;
    \from hour to hour von Stunde zu Stunde, stündlich;
    \from time to time von Zeit zu Zeit, ab und zu;
    \from that day [or time] on[wards] von diesem Tag [an], seitdem;
    they were friends \from that day on seit diesem Tag sind sie Freunde;
    \from now/ then on von da an, seither;
    as \from... ( esp Brit) ab... +dat;
    as \from 1 January, a free market will be created ab dem 1. Januar haben wir einen freien Markt
    5) ( as starting condition) bei +dat;
    prices start \from £2.99 die Preise beginnen bei 2,99 Pfund;
    \from sth to sth von etw dat auf etw dat;
    the number has risen \from 25 to 200 in three years die Anzahl ist in drei Jahren von 25 auf 200 gestiegen;
    she translated into German \from the Latin text sie übersetzte aus dem Lateinischen ins Deutsche;
    things went \from bad to worse die Situation wurde noch schlimmer;
    \from strength to strength immer besser;
    she has gone \from strength to strength sie eilte von Erfolg zu Erfolg;
    tickets will cost \from $10 to $45 die Karten kosten zwischen $10 und $45;
    \from soup to nuts alles zusammen;
    the whole dinner, \from soup to nuts, costs $55 das ganze Essen mit allem drum und dran kostet $55;
    anything \from geography to history alles von A bis Z
    6) after n ( at distance to) von +dat;
    we're about a mile \from home wir sind ca. eine Meile von zu Hause entfernt;
    a day's walk \from her camping spot eine Tageswanderung von ihrem Zeltplatz;
    \from sth to sth von etw dat zu etw dat;
    it's about two kilometres \from the airport to your hotel der Flughafen ist rund zwei Kilometer vom Hotel entfernt
    \from sth aus +dat;
    though \from working-class parents, he made it to the Fortune 500 list obwohl er als Arbeiterkind aufwuchs, ist er heute unter den 500 Reichsten der Welt;
    my mother is \from France meine Mutter stammt aus Frankreich;
    I'm \from New York ich komme aus New York;
    daylight comes \from the sun das Tageslicht kommt von der Sonne
    8) after vb ( in temporary location) von +dat, aus +dat;
    he hasn't returned \from work yet er ist noch nicht von der Arbeit zurück;
    she called him \from the hotel sie rief mich aus dem Hotel an after adj
    they're here fresh \from the States sie sind gerade aus den USA angekommen after n
    his return \from the army was celebrated seine Rückkehr aus der Armee wurde gefeiert;
    sb \from sth von +dat;
    they sent someone \from the local newspaper sie schickten jemanden von der örtlichen Zeitung
    9) after vb ( as source) von +dat;
    can I borrow $10 \from you? kann ich mir 10 Dollar von dir leihen?;
    the vegetables come \from an organic farm das Gemüse kommt von einem Biobauernhof after n
    sth \from sb [to sb/sth] etw von jdm (für jdn/etw);
    I wonder who this card is \from ich frage mich, von wem wohl diese Karte ist;
    this is a present \from me to you das ist ein Geschenk von mir für dich
    \from sth aus etw dat;
    the seats are made \from leather die Sitze sind aus Leder after n
    in America, most people buy toys \from plastic in Amerika kaufen die meisten Leute Spielzeug aus Plastik
    11) after vb ( removed from) aus +dat;
    to extract usable fuel \from crude oil verwertbaren Brennstoff aus Rohöl gewinnen;
    they took the child \from its parents sie nahmen das Kind von seinen Eltern weg after adj
    he knows right \from wrong er kann gut und böse unterscheiden;
    sth [subtracted] \from sth math etw minus etw dat;
    three \from sixteen is thirteen sechzehn minus drei ist dreizehn
    12) ( considering) aufgrund +gen, wegen +gen;
    to conclude \from the evidence that aufgrund des Beweismaterials zu dem Schluss kommen, dass;
    to make a conclusion from sth wegen etw gen zu einem Schluss kommen;
    information obtained \from papers and books Informationen aus Zeitungen und Büchern;
    \from looking at the clouds, I would say it's going to rain wenn ich mir die Wolken so ansehe, würde ich sagen, es wird Regen geben
    13) after vb ( caused by) an +dat;
    he died \from his injuries er starb an seinen Verletzungen;
    she suffers \from arthritis sie leidet unter Arthritis;
    to do sth \from sth etw aus etw dat tun;
    he did it \from jealousy er hat es aus Eifersucht getan;
    to do sth \from doing sth etw durch etw akk tun;
    she made her fortune \from investing in property sie hat ihr Vermögen durch Investitionen in Grundstücke gemacht after adj
    to get sick \from salmonella sich akk mit Salmonellen infizieren after n
    to reduce the risk \from radiation das Risiko einer Verstrahlung reduzieren;
    they got a lot of happiness \from hearing the news sie haben sich über die Neuigkeiten unheimlich gefreut
    to guard sb \from sth jdn vor etw dat schützen;
    they insulated their house \from the cold sie dämmten ihr Haus gegen die Kälte after n
    they found shelter \from the storm sie fanden Schutz vor dem Sturm
    the truth was kept \from the public die Wahrheit wurde vor der Öffentlichkeit geheim gehalten;
    the bank loan saved her company \from bankruptcy das Bankdarlehen rettete die Firma vor der Pleite;
    he saved him \from death er rettete ihm das Leben;
    he has been banned \from driving for six months er darf sechs Monate lang nicht Auto fahren;
    \from doing sth von etw dat;
    he boss tried to discourage her \from looking for a new job ihr Chef versuchte, sie davon abzubringen, nach einem neuen Job zu suchen
    conditions vary \from one employer to another die Bedingungen sind von Arbeitgeber zu Arbeitgeber unterschiedlich;
    he knows his friends \from his enemies er kann seine Freunde von seinen Feinden unterscheiden after adj
    his opinion could hardly be more different \from mine unsere Meinungen können kaum noch unterschiedlicher sein
    \from the bottom of one's heart aus tiefstem Herzen

    English-German students dictionary > from

  • 3 between

    between [bɪ'twi:n]
    the crowd stood between him and the door la foule le séparait de la porte;
    the distance between the two towns la distance entre ou qui sépare les deux villes;
    it happened between 3 and 4 am cela s'est passé entre 3 heures et 4 heures (du matin);
    between now and this evening d'ici ce soir;
    I'm between jobs at the moment je suis entre deux emplois en ce moment;
    you'll have an hour between trains vous aurez une heure entre les deux trains;
    you shouldn't eat between meals tu ne devrais pas manger entre les repas ou en dehors des repas
    it will cost between 5 and 10 million ça coûtera entre 5 et 10 millions;
    children between the ages of 5 and 10 les enfants de 5 à 10 ans;
    somewhere between a half and a third (quelque chose) entre une moitié et un tiers;
    something between a laugh and a groan quelque chose entre un rire et un grognement
    (c) (indicating connection, relation) entre;
    a bus runs between the airport and the hotel un bus fait la navette entre l'aéroport et l'hôtel;
    it's a half-hour drive between home and the office il y a une demi-heure de route entre la maison et le bureau;
    a treaty between the two nations un traité entre les deux États;
    an argument between two experts une dispute entre deux experts;
    a contest between two heavyweight boxers un combat entre deux poids lourds;
    the difference/distinction between A and B la différence/distinction entre A et B;
    he drew a comparison between the two systems il a établi une comparaison entre les deux systèmes;
    he felt things weren't right between them il sentait que ça n'allait pas entre eux;
    no one can come between us personne ne peut nous séparer;
    between you and me, between ourselves entre nous;
    humorous between you, me and the gatepost or bedpost entre nous;
    this is strictly between ourselves or between you and me que cela reste entre nous
    I had to choose between going with them and staying at home il fallait que je choisisse entre les accompagner et rester à la maison
    between us we saved enough money for the trip à nous tous nous avons économisé assez d'argent pour le voyage;
    they have 7 children between them à eux deux ils ont 7 enfants;
    the 5 groups collected £1,000 between them les 5 groupes ont recueilli 1000 livres en tout;
    (in) between painting, writing and looking after the children, she was kept very busy entre la peinture, l'écriture et les enfants, elle était très occupée
    he divided it between his children il l'a partagé entre ses enfants;
    they shared the cake between them ils se sont partagé le gâteau
    a row of bushes with little clumps of flowers in between une rangée d'arbustes intercalés de petits bouquets de fleurs;
    he's neither right nor left but somewhere in between il n'est ni de droite ni de gauche mais quelque part entre les deux;
    she either plays very well or very badly, never in between elle joue très bien ou très mal, jamais entre les deux
    (b) (in time) entre-temps, dans l'intervalle
    ►► British old-fashioned between maid bonne f (qui aide la cuisinière et la femme de chambre)

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > between

  • 4 Т-122

    ДО ТОГО PrepP Invar adv or modif) to such a great degree, so intensely ( usu. used to show that the high degree of some quality, the intensity of some action etc is the motivation, reason etc for sth. in the surrounding context)
    so much (in limited contexts) such a NP
    . «Чтоб вас куриный мор», - отозвался дядя Сандро из-под своей яблони, голосом показывая, что не делает различия между курицей и её хозяйкой, до того обе они ему надоели (Искандер 3). uMay you get the chicken plague," Uncle Sandro responded from under the apple tree, his tone indicating that he made no distinction between the hen and her mistress, he was so sick of both of them (3a).
    Дома он (Митя) дополнил сумму, взяв взаймы три рубля от хозяев, которые дали ему с удовольствием, несмотря на то, что отдавали последние свои деньги, до того любили его (Достоевский 1). At home he (Mitya) added to the sum, borrowing three roubles from his landlords, who gave it to him gladly, though it was their last money-so much did they love him (1a).
    Наталья Петровна:) Неужели вы можете предполагать... (Ракитин:) Я ничего не предполагаю. (Наталья Петровна:) Неужели ж вы до того меня презираете... (Ракитин:) Перестаньте, ради бога (Тургенев 1). (N.P:) Surely you aren't suggesting... (R.:) I'm suggesting nothing. (N.:) You can't have such a low opinion of me that... (R.:) Oh stop, for goodness' sake (Id).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Т-122

  • 5 до того

    [PrepP; Invar; adv or modif]
    to such a great degree, so intensely (usu. used to show that the high degree of some quality, the intensity of some action etc is the motivation, reason etc for sth. in the surrounding context):
    - so;
    - [in limited contexts] such a [NP].
         ♦ "Чтоб вас куриный мор", - отозвался дядя Сандро из-под своей яблони, голосом показывая, что не делает различия между курицей и её хозяйкой, до того обе они ему надоели (Искандер 3). "May you get the chicken plague," Uncle Sandro responded from under the apple tree, his tone indicating that he made no distinction between the hen and her mistress, he was so sick of both of them (За).
         ♦ Дома он [Митя] дополнил сумму, взяв взаймы три рубля от хозяев, которые дали ему с удовольствием, несмотря на то, что отдавали последние свои деньги, до того любили его (Достоевский 1). At home he [Mitya] added to the sum, borrowing three roubles from his landlords, who gave it to him gladly, though it was their last money-so much did they love him (1a).
         ♦ [Наталья Петровна:] Неужели вы можете предполагать... [Ракитин:] Я ничего не предполагаю. [Наталья Петровна:] Неужели ж вы до того меня презираете... [Ракитин:] Перестаньте, ради бога (Тургенев 1). [N.P:] Surely you aren't suggesting... [R.:] I'm suggesting nothing. [N.:] You can't have such a low opinion of me that... [R.:] Oh stop, for goodness' sake (Id).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > до того

  • 6 ā

       ā    (before consonants), ab (before vowels, h, and some consonants, esp. l, n, r, s), abs (usu. only before t and q, esp. freq. before the pron. te), old af, praep. with abl., denoting separation or departure (opp. ad).    I. Lit., in space, from, away from, out of.    A. With motion: ab urbe proficisci, Cs.: a supero mari Flaminia (est via), leads: Nunc quidem paululum, inquit, a sole, a little out of the sun: usque a mari supero Romam proficisci, all the way from; with names of cities and small islands, or with domo, home (for the simple abl; of motion, away from, not out of, a place); hence, of raising a siege, of the march of soldiers, the setting out of a fleet, etc.: oppidum ab Aeneā fugiente a Troiā conditum: ab Alesiā, Cs.: profectus ab Orico cum classe, Cs.; with names of persons or with pronouns: cum a vobis discessero: videat forte hic te a patre aliquis exiens, i. e. from his house, T.; (praegn.): a rege munera repudiare, from, sent by, N.—    B. Without motion.    1. Of separation or distance: abesse a domo paulisper maluit: tum Brutus ab Romā aberat, S.: hic locus aequo fere spatio ab castris Ariovisti et Caesaris aberat, Cs.: a foro longe abesse: procul a castris hostes in collibus constiterunt, Cs.: cum esset bellum tam prope a Siciliā; so with numerals to express distance: ex eo loco ab milibus passuum octo, eight miles distant, Cs.: ab milibus passuum minus duobus castra posuerunt, less than two miles off, Cs.; so rarely with substantives: quod tanta machinatio ab tanto spatio instrueretur, so far away, Cs.—    2. To denote a side or direction, etc., at, on, in: ab sinistrā parte nudatis castris, on the left, Cs.: ab eā parte, quā, etc., on that side, S.: Gallia Celtica attingit ab Sequanis flumen Rhenum, on the side of the Sequani, i. e. their country, Cs.: ab decumanā portā castra munita, at the main entrance, Cs.: crepuit hinc a Glycerio ostium, of the house of G., T.: (cornua) ab labris argento circumcludunt, on the edges, Cs.; hence, a fronte, in the van; a latere, on the flank; a tergo, in the rear, behind; a dextro cornu, on the right wing; a medio spatio, half way.—    II. Fig.    A. Of time.    1. Of a point of time, after: Caesar ab decimae legionis cohortatione ad dextrum cornu profectus, immediately after, Cs.: ab eo magistratu, after this office, S.: recens a volnere Dido, fresh from her wound, V.: in Italiam perventum est quinto mense a Carthagine, i. e. after leaving, L.: ab his, i. e. after these words, hereupon, O.: ab simili <*>ade domo profugus, i. e. after and in consequence of, L.—    2. Of a period of time, from, since, after: ab hora tertiā bibebatur, from the third hour: ab Sullā et Pompeio consulibus, since the consulship of: ab incenso Capitolio illum esse vigesumum annum, since, S.: augures omnes usque ab Romulo, since the time of: iam inde ab infelici pugnā ceciderant animi, from (and in consequence of), L.; hence, ab initio, a principio, a primo, at, in, or from the beginning, at first: ab integro, anew, afresh: ab... ad, from (a time)... to: cum ab horā septimā ad vesperum pugnatum sit, Cs.; with nouns or adjectives denoting a time of life: iam inde a pueritiā, T.: a pueritiā: a pueris: iam inde ab incunabulis, L.: a parvo, from a little child, or childhood, L.: ab parvulis, Cs.—    B. In other relations.    1. To denote separation, deterring, intermitting, distinction, difference, etc., from: quo discessum animi a corpore putent esse mortem: propius abesse ab ortu: alter ab illo, next after him, V.: Aiax, heros ab Achille secundus, next in rank to, H.: impotentia animi a temperantiā dissidens: alieno a te animo fuit, estranged; so with adjj. denoting free, strange, pure, etc.: res familiaris casta a cruore civili: purum ab humano cultu solum, L.: (opoidum) vacuum ab defensoribus, Cs.: alqm pudicum servare ab omni facto, etc., II.; with substt.: impunitas ab iudicio: ab armis quies dabatur, L.; or verbs: haec a custodiis loca vacabant, Cs.—    2. To denote the agent, by: qui (Mars) saepe spoliantem iam evertit et perculit ab abiecto, by the agency of: Laudari me abs te, a laudato viro: si quid ei a Caesare gravius accidisset, at Caesar's hands, Cs.: vetus umor ab igne percaluit solis, under, O.: a populo P. imperia perferre, Cs.: equo lassus ab indomito, H.: volgo occidebantur: per quos et a quibus? by whose hands and upon whose orders? factus ab arte decor, artificial, O.: destitutus ab spe, L.; (for the sake of the metre): correptus ab ignibus, O.; (poet. with abl. of means or instr.): intumuit venter ab undā, O.—Ab with abl. of agent for the dat., to avoid ambiguity, or for emphasis: quibus (civibus) est a vobis consulendum: te a me nostrae consuetudinis monendum esse puto.—    3. To denote source, origin, extraction, from, of: Turnus ab Ariciā, L.: si ego me a M. Tullio esse dicerem: oriundi ab Sabinis, L.: dulces a fontibus undae, V.—With verbs of expecting, fearing, hoping (cf. a parte), from, on the part of: a quo quidem genere, iudices, ego numquam timui: nec ab Romanis vobis ulla est spes, you can expect nothing from the Romans, L.; (ellipt.): haec a servorum bello pericula, threatened by: quem metus a praetore Romano stimulabat, fear of what the praetor might do, L.—With verbs of paying, etc., solvere, persolvere, dare (pecuniam) ab aliquo, to pay through, by a draft on, etc.: se praetor dedit, a quaestore numeravit, quaestor a mensā publicā, by an order on the quaestor: ei legat pecuniam a filio, to be paid by his son: scribe decem (milia) a Nerio, pay by a draft on Nerius, H.; cognoscere ab aliquā re, to know or learn by means of something (but ab aliquo, from some one): id se a Gallicis armis atque insignibus cognovisse, Cs.; in giving an etymology: id ab re... interregnum appellatum, L.—Rarely with verbs of beginning and repeating: coepere a fame mala, L.: a se suisque orsus, Ta.—    4. With verbs of freeing from, defending, protecting, from, against: ut a proeliis quietem habuerant, L.: provincia a calamitate est defendenda: sustinere se a lapsu, L.—    5. With verbs and adjectives, to define the respect in which, in relation to, with regard to, in respect to, on the part of: orba ab optimatibus contio: mons vastus ab naturā et humano cultu, S.: ne ab re sint omissiores, too neglectful of money or property, T.: posse a facundiā, in the matter of eloquence, T.; cf. with laborare, for the simple abl, in, for want of: laborare ab re frumentariā, Cs.—    6. In stating a motive, from, out of, on account of, in consequence of: patres ab honore appellati, L.: inops tum urbs ab longinquā obsidione, L.—    7. Indicating a part of the whole, of, out of: scuto ab novissimis uni militi detracto, Cs.: a quibus (captivis) ad Senatum missus (Regulus).—    8. Marking that to which anything belongs: qui sunt ab eā disciplinā: nostri illi a Platone et Aristotele aiunt.—    9. Of a side or party: vide ne hoc totum sit a me, makes for my view: vir ab innocentiā clementissimus, in favor of.—10. In late prose, of an office: ab epistulis, a secretary, Ta. Note. Ab is not repeated with a following pron interrog. or relat.: Arsinoën, Stratum, Naupactum... fateris ab hostibus esse captas. Quibus autem hostibus? Nempe iis, quos, etc. It is often separated from the word which it governs: a nullius umquam me tempore aut commodo: a minus bono, S.: a satis miti principio, L.—The poets join a and que, making āque; but in good prose que is annexed to the following abl. (a meque, abs teque, etc.): aque Chao, V.: aque mero, O.—In composition, ab- stands before vowels, and h, b, d, i consonant, l, n, r, s; abs- before c, q, t; b is dropped, leaving as- before p; ā- is found in āfuī, āfore ( inf fut. of absum); and au- in auferō, aufugiō.
    * * *
    Ah!; (distress/regret/pity, appeal/entreaty, surprise/joy, objection/contempt)
    by (agent), from (departure, cause, remote origin/time); after (reference)
    ante, abb. a.

    in calendar expression a. d. = ante diem -- before the day

    Latin-English dictionary > ā

  • 7 ab

    ăb, ā, abs, prep. with abl. This IndoEuropean particle (Sanscr. apa or ava, Etr. av, Gr. upo, Goth. af, Old Germ. aba, New Germ. ab, Engl. of, off) has in Latin the following forms: ap, af, ab (av), au-, a, a; aps, abs, as-. The existence of the oldest form, ap, is proved by the oldest and best MSS. analogous to the prep. apud, the Sanscr. api, and Gr. epi, and by the weakened form af, which, by the rule of historical grammar and the nature of the Latin letter f, can be derived only from ap, not from ab. The form af, weakened from ap, also very soon became obsolete. There are but five examples of it in inscriptions, at the end of the sixth and in the course of the seventh century B. C., viz.:


    Inscr. Orell. 3114;

    AF MVRO,

    ib. 6601;


    ib. 3308;

    AF SOLO,

    ib. 589;

    AF LYCO,

    ib. 3036 ( afuolunt =avolant, Paul. ex Fest. p. 26 Mull., is only a conjecture). In the time of Cicero this form was regarded as archaic, and only here and there used in account-books; v. Cic. Or. 47, 158 (where the correct reading is af, not abs or ab), and cf. Ritschl, Monum. Epigr. p. 7 sq.—The second form of this preposition, changed from ap, was ab, which has become the principal form and the one most generally used through all periods—and indeed the only oue used before all vowels and h; here and there also before some consonants, particularly l, n, r, and s; rarely before c, j, d, t; and almost never before the labials p, b, f, v, or before m, such examples as ab Massiliensibus, Caes. B. C. 1, 35, being of the most rare occurrence.—By changing the b of ab through v into u, the form au originated, which was in use only in the two compounds aufero and aufugio for abfero, ab-fugio; aufuisse for afuisse, in Cod. Medic. of Tac. A. 12, 17, is altogether unusual. Finally, by dropping the b of ab, and lengthening the a, ab was changed into a, which form, together with ab, predominated through all periods of the Latin language, and took its place before all consonants in the later years of Cicero, and after him almoet exclusively.—By dropping the b without lengthening the a, ab occurs in the form a- in the two compounds a-bio and a-perio, q. v.—On the other hand, instead of reducing ap to a and a, a strengthened collateral form, aps, was made by adding to ap the letter s (also used in particles, as in ex, mox, vix). From the first, aps was used only before the letters c, q, t, and was very soon changed into abs (as ap into ab):

    abs chorago,

    Plaut. Pers. 1, 3, 79 (159 Ritschl):

    abs quivis,

    Ter. Ad. 2, 3, 1:

    abs terra,

    Cato, R. R. 51;

    and in compounds: aps-cessero,

    Plaut. Trin. 3, 1, 24 (625 R.); id. ib. 3, 2, 84 (710 R): abs-condo, abs-que, abs-tineo, etc. The use of abs was confined almost exclusively to the combination abs te during the whole ante-classic period, and with Cicero till about the year 700 A. U. C. (=B. C. 54). After that time Cicero evidently hesitates between abs te and a te, but during the last five or six years of his life a te became predominant in all his writings, even in his letters; consequently abs te appears but rarely in later authors, as in Liv. 10, 19, 8; 26, 15, 12;

    and who, perhaps, also used abs conscendentibus,

    id. 28, 37, 2; v. Drakenb. ad. h. l. (Weissenb. ab).—Finally abs, in consequence of the following p, lost its b, and became ds- in the three compounds aspello, as-porto, and as-pernor (for asspernor); v. these words.—The late Lat. verb abbrevio may stand for adbrevio, the d of ad being assimilated to the following b.The fundamental signification of ab is departure from some fixed point (opp. to ad. which denotes motion to a point).
    In space, and,
    Fig., in time and other relations, in which the idea of departure from some point, as from source and origin, is included; Engl. from, away from, out of; down from; since, after; by, at, in, on, etc.
    Lit., in space: ab classe ad urbem tendunt, Att. ap. Non. 495, 22 (Trag. Rel. p. 177 Rib.):

    Caesar maturat ab urbe proficisci,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 7:

    fuga ab urbe turpissima,

    Cic. Att. 7, 21:

    ducite ab urbe domum, ducite Daphnim,

    Verg. E. 8, 68. Cicero himself gives the difference between ab and ex thus: si qui mihi praesto fuerit cum armatis hominibus extra meum fundum et me introire prohibuerit, non ex eo, sed ab ( from, away from) eo loco me dejecerit....Unde dejecti Galli? A Capitolio. Unde, qui cum Graccho fucrunt? Ex Capitolio, etc., Cic. Caecin. 30, 87; cf. Diom. p. 408 P., and a similar distinction between ad and in under ad.—Ellipt.: Diogenes Alexandro roganti, ut diceret, si quid opus esset: Nunc quidem paululum, inquit, a sole, a little out of the sun, Cic. Tusc. 5, 32, 92. —Often joined with usque:

    illam (mulierem) usque a mari supero Romam proficisci,

    all the way from, Cic. Clu. 68, 192; v. usque, I.—And with ad, to denote the space passed over: siderum genus ab ortu ad occasum commeant, from... to, Cic. N. D. 2, 19 init.; cf. ab... in:

    venti a laevo latere in dextrum, ut sol, ambiunt,

    Plin. 2, 47, 48, § 128.
    Sometimes with names of cities and small islands, or with domus (instead of the usual abl.), partie., in militnry and nautieal language, to denote the marching of soldiers, the setting out of a flcet, or the departure of the inhabitants from some place:

    oppidum ab Aenea fugiente a Troja conditum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 33:

    quemadmodum (Caesar) a Gergovia discederet,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 43 fin.; so id. ib. 7, 80 fin.; Sall. J. 61; 82; 91; Liv. 2, 33, 6 al.; cf.:

    ab Arimino M. Antonium cum cohortibus quinque Arretium mittit,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 11 fin.; and:

    protinus a Corfinio in Siciliam miserat,

    id. ib. 1, 25, 2:

    profecti a domo,

    Liv. 40, 33, 2;

    of setting sail: cum exercitus vestri numquam a Brundisio nisi hieme summa transmiserint,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 12, 32; so id. Fam. 15, 3, 2; Caes. B. C. 3, 23; 3, 24 fin.:

    classe qua advecti ab domo fuerant,

    Liv. 8, 22, 6;

    of citizens: interim ab Roma legatos venisse nuntiatum est,

    Liv. 21, 9, 3; cf.:

    legati ab Orico ad M. Valerium praetorem venerunt,

    id. 24, 40, 2.
    Sometimes with names of persons or with pronouns: pestem abige a me, Enn. ap. Cic. Ac. 2, 28, 89 (Trag. v. 50 Vahl.):

    Quasi ad adulescentem a patre ex Seleucia veniat,

    Plaut. Trin. 3, 3, 41; cf.:

    libertus a Fuflis cum litteris ad Hermippum venit,

    Cic. Fl. 20, 47:

    Nigidium a Domitio Capuam venisse,

    id. Att. 7, 24:

    cum a vobis discessero,

    id. Sen. 22:

    multa merces tibi defluat ab Jove Neptunoque,

    Hor. C. 1, 28, 29 al. So often of a person instead of his house, lodging, etc.: videat forte hic te a patre aliquis exiens, from the father, i. e. from his house, Ter. Heaut. 2, 2, 6:

    so a fratre,

    id. Phorm. 5, 1, 5:

    a Pontio,

    Cic. Att. 5, 3 fin.:

    ab ea,

    Ter. And. 1, 3, 21; and so often: a me, a nobis, a se, etc., from my, our, his house, etc., Plaut. Stich. 5, 1, 7; Ter. Heaut. 3, 2, 50; Cic. Att. 4, 9, 1 al.
    Transf., without the idea of motion. To designate separation or distance, with the verbs abesse, distare, etc., and with the particles longe, procul, prope, etc.
    Of separation:

    ego te afuisse tam diu a nobis dolui,

    Cic. Fam. 2, 1, 2:

    abesse a domo paulisper maluit,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 18, § 39:

    tum Brutus ab Roma aberat,

    Sall. C. 40, 5:

    absint lacerti ab stabulis,

    Verg. G. 4, 14.—
    Of distance:

    quot milia fundus suus abesset ab urbe,

    Cic. Caecin. 10, 28; cf.:

    nos in castra properabamus, quae aberant bidui,

    id. Att. 5, 16 fin.; and:

    hic locus aequo fere spatio ab castris Ariovisti et Caesaris aberat,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 43, 1:

    terrae ab hujusce terrae, quam nos incolimus, continuatione distantes,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 66, 164:

    non amplius pedum milibus duobus ab castris castra distabant,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 82, 3; cf. id. lb. 1, 3, 103.—With adverbs: annos multos longinque ab domo bellum gerentes, Enn. ap. Non. 402, 3 (Trag. v. 103 Vahl.):

    cum domus patris a foro longe abesset,

    Cic. Cael. 7, 18 fin.; cf.:

    qui fontes a quibusdam praesidiis aberant longius,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 49, 5:

    quae procul erant a conspectu imperii,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 32, 87; cf.:

    procul a castris hostes in collibus constiterunt,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 17, 1; and:

    tu procul a patria Alpinas nives vides,

    Verg. E. 10, 46 (procul often also with simple abl.;

    v. procul): cum esset in Italia bellum tam prope a Sicilia, tamen in Sicilia non fuit,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 2, § 6; cf.:

    tu apud socrum tuam prope a meis aedibus sedebas,

    id. Pis. 11, 26; and:

    tam prope ab domo detineri,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 3, § 6.—So in Caesar and Livy, with numerals to designate the measure of the distance:

    onerariae naves, quae ex eo loco ab milibus passuum octo vento tenebatur,

    eight miles distant, Caes. B. G. 4, 22, 4; and without mentioning the terminus a quo: ad castra contenderunt, et ab milibus passunm minus duobus castra posuerunt, less than two miles off or distant, id. ib. 2, 7, 3; so id. ib. 2, 5, 32; 6, 7, 3; id. B. C. 1, 65; Liv. 38, 20, 2 (for which:

    duo milia fere et quingentos passus ab hoste posuerunt castra,

    id. 37, 38, 5). —
    To denote the side or direction from which an object is viewed in its local relations,=a parte, at, on, in: utrum hacin feriam an ab laeva latus? Enn. ap. Plaut. Cist. 3, 10 (Trag. v. 38 Vahl.); cf.:

    picus et cornix ab laeva, corvos, parra ab dextera consuadent,

    Plaut. As. 2, 1, 12: clamore ab ea parte audito. on this side, Caes. B. G. 3, 26, 4: Gallia Celtica attingit ab Sequanis et Helvetiis flumen Rhenum, on the side of the Sequani, i. e. their country, id. ib. 1, 1, 5:

    pleraque Alpium ab Italia sicut breviora ita arrectiora sunt,

    on the Italian side, Liv. 21, 35, 11:

    non eadem diligentia ab decumuna porta castra munita,

    at the main entrance, Caes. B. G. 3, 25 fin.:

    erat a septentrionibus collis,

    on the north, id. ib. 7, 83, 2; so, ab oriente, a meridie, ab occasu; a fronte, a latere, a tergo, etc. (v. these words).
    In time.
    From a [p. 3] point of time, without reference to the period subsequently elapsed. After:

    Exul ab octava Marius bibit,

    Juv. 1,40:

    mulieres jam ab re divin[adot ] adparebunt domi,

    immediately after the sucrifice, Plaut. Poen. 3, 3, 4:

    Caesar ab decimae legionis cohortatione ad dextrum cornu profectus,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 25, 1:

    ab hac contione legati missi sunt,

    immediately after, Liv. 24, 22, 6; cf. id. 28, 33, 1; 40, 47, 8; 40, 49, 1 al.:

    ab eo magistratu,

    after this office, Sall. J. 63, 5:

    a summa spe novissima exspectabat,

    after the greatest hope, Tac. A. 6, 50 fin. —Strengthened by the adverbs primum, confestim, statim, protinus, or the adj. recens, immediately after, soon after:

    ut primum a tuo digressu Romam veni,

    Cic. Att. 1, 5, 4; so Suet. Tib. 68:

    confestim a proelio expugnatis hostium castris,

    Liv. 30, 36, 1:

    statim a funere,

    Suet. Caes. 85;

    and followed by statim: ab itinere statim,

    id. ib. 60:

    protinus ab adoptione,

    Vell. 2, 104, 3:

    Homerus qui recens ab illorum actate fuit,

    soon after their time, Cic. N. D. 3, 5; so Varr. R. R. 2, 8, 2; Verg. A. 6, 450 al. (v. also primum, confestim, etc.).—

    Sometimes with the name of a person or place, instead of an action: ibi mihi tuae litterae binae redditae sunt tertio abs te die,

    i. e. after their departure from you, Cic. Att. 5, 3, 1: in Italiam perventum est quinto mense a Carthagine Nov[adot ], i. e. after leaving (=postquam a Carthagine profecti sunt), Liv. 21, 38, 1:

    secundo Punico (bello) Scipionis classis XL. die a securi navigavit,

    i. e. after its having been built, Plin. 16, 39, 74, § 192. —Hence the poct. expression: ab his, after this (cf. ek toutôn), i. e. after these words, hereupon, Ov. M. 3, 273; 4, 329; 8, 612; 9, 764.
    With reference to a subsequent period. From, since, after:

    ab hora tertia bibebatur,

    from the third hour, Cic. Phil. 2, 41:

    infinito ex tempore, non ut antea, ab Sulla et Pompeio consulibus,

    since the consulship of, id. Agr. 2, 21, 56:

    vixit ab omni aeternitate,

    from all eternity, id. Div. 1, 51, 115:

    cum quo a condiscipulatu vivebat conjunctissime,

    Nep. Att. 5, 3:

    in Lycia semper a terrae motu XL. dies serenos esse,

    after an earthquake, Plin. 2, 96, 98, § 211 al.:

    centesima lux est haec ab interitu P. Clodii,

    since the death of, Cic. Mil. 35, 98; cf.:

    cujus a morte quintus hic et tricesimus annus est,

    id. Sen. 6, 19; and:

    ab incenso Capitolio illum esse vigesumiun annum,

    since, Sall. C. 47, 2:

    diebus triginta, a qua die materia caesa est,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 36.—Sometimes joined with usque and inde:

    quod augures omnes usque ab Romulo decreverunt,

    since the time of, Cic. Vat. 8, 20:

    jam inde ab infelici pugna ceciderant animi,

    from the very beginning of, Liv. 2, 65 fin. —Hence the adverbial expressions ab initio, a principio, a primo, at, in, or from the beginning, at first; v. initium, principium, primus. Likewise ab integro, anew, afresh; v. integer.—Ab... ad, from (a time)... to:

    ab hora octava ad vesperum secreto collocuti sumus,

    Cic. Att. 7, 8, 4; cf.:

    cum ab hora septima ad vesperum pugnatum sit,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 26, 2; and:

    a quo tempore ad vos consules anni sunt septingenti octoginta unus,

    Vell. 1, 8, 4; and so in Plautus strengthened by usque:

    pugnata pugnast usque a mane ad vesperum,

    from morning to evening, Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 97; id. Most. 3, 1, 3; 3, 2, 80.—Rarely ab... in: Romani ab sole orto in multum diei stetere in acie, from... till late in the day, Liv. 27, 2, 9; so Col. 2, 10, 17; Plin. 2, 31, 31, § 99; 2, 103, 106, § 229; 4, 12, 26, § 89.
    Particularly with nouns denoting a time of life:

    qui homo cum animo inde ab ineunte aetate depugnat suo,

    from an early age, from early youth, Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 24; so Cic. Off. 2, 13, 44 al.:

    mihi magna cum co jam inde a pueritia fuit semper famillaritas,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 2, 9; so,

    a pueritia,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 11, 27 fin.; id. Fam. 5, 8, 4:

    jam inde ab adulescentia,

    Ter. Ad. 1, 1, 16:

    ab adulescentia,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 1:

    jam a prima adulescentia,

    id. Fam. 1, 9, 23:

    ab ineunte adulescentia,

    id. ib. 13, 21, 1; cf.

    followed by ad: usque ad hanc aetatem ab incunte adulescentia,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 20:

    a primis temporibus aetatis,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 3, 3:

    a teneris unguiculis,

    from childhood, id. ib. 1, 6, 2:

    usque a toga pura,

    id. Att. 7, 8, 5:

    jam inde ab incunabulis,

    Liv. 4, 36, 5:

    a prima lanugine,

    Suet. Oth. 12:

    viridi ab aevo,

    Ov. Tr. 4, 10, 17 al.;

    rarely of animals: ab infantia,

    Plin. 10, 63, 83, § 182.—Instead of the nom. abstr. very often (like the Greek ek paioôn, etc.) with concrete substantives: a pucro, ab adulescente, a parvis, etc., from childhood, etc.:

    qui olim a puero parvulo mihi paedagogus fuerat,

    Plaut. Merc. 1, 1, 90; so,

    a pausillo puero,

    id. Stich. 1, 3, 21:

    a puero,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 36, 115; id. Fam. 13, 16, 4 (twice) al.:

    a pueris,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 24, 57; id. de Or. 1, 1, 2 al.:

    ab adulescente,

    id. Quint. 3, 12:

    ab infante,

    Col. 1, 8, 2:

    a parva virgine,

    Cat. 66, 26 al. —Likewise and in the same sense with adject.: a parvo, from a little child, or childhood, Liv. 1, 39, 6 fin.; cf.:

    a parvis,

    Ter. And. 3, 3, 7; Cic. Leg. 2, 4, 9:

    a parvulo,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 8; id. Ad. 1, 1, 23; cf.:

    ab parvulis,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 21, 3:

    ab tenero,

    Col. 5, 6, 20;

    and rarely of animals: (vacca) a bima aut trima fructum ferre incipit,

    Varr. R. R. 2, 1, 13.
    In other relations in which the idea of going forth, proceeding, from something is included.
    In gen. to denote departure, separation, deterring, avoiding, intermitting, etc., or distance, difference, etc., of inanimate or abstract things. From: jus atque aecum se a malis spernit procul, Enn. ap. Non. 399, 10 (Trag. v. 224 Vahl.):

    suspitionem et culpam ut ab se segregent,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 42:

    qui discessum animi a corpore putent esse mortem,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 9, 18:

    hic ab artificio suo non recessit,

    id. ib. 1, 10, 20 al.:

    quod si exquiratur usque ab stirpe auctoritas,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 180:

    condicionem quam ab te peto,

    id. ib. 2, 4, 87; cf.:

    mercedem gloriae flagitas ab iis, quorum, etc.,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 15, 34:

    si quid ab illo acceperis,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 90:

    quae (i. e. antiquitas) quo propius aberat ab ortu et divina progenie,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 12, 26:

    ab defensione desistere,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 12, 4:

    ne quod tempus ab opere intermitteretur,

    id. B. G. 7, 24, 2:

    ut homines adulescentis a dicendi studio deterream,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 25, 117, etc.—Of distance (in order, rank, mind, or feeling):

    qui quartus ab Arcesila fuit,

    the fourth in succession from, Cic. Ac. 1, 12, 46:

    tu nunc eris alter ab illo,

    next after him, Verg. E. 5, 49; cf.:

    Aiax, heros ab Achille secundus,

    next in rank to, Hor. S. 2, 3, 193:

    quid hoc ab illo differt,

    from, Cic. Caecin. 14, 39; cf.:

    hominum vita tantum distat a victu et cultu bestiarum,

    id. Off. 2, 4, 15; and:

    discrepare ab aequitate sapientiam,

    id. Rep. 3, 9 fin. (v. the verbs differo, disto, discrepo, dissideo, dissentio, etc.):

    quae non aliena esse ducerem a dignitate,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 7:

    alieno a te animo fuit,

    id. Deiot. 9, 24 (v. alienus). —So the expression ab re (qs. aside from the matter, profit; cf. the opposite, in rem), contrary to one's profit, to a loss, disadvantageous (so in the affirmative very rare and only ante-class.):

    subdole ab re consulit,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 1, 12; cf. id. Capt. 2, 2, 88; more frequently and class. (but not with Cicero) in the negative, non, haud, ab re, not without advantage or profit, not useless or unprofitable, adcantageous:

    haut est ab re aucupis,

    Plaut. As. 1, 3, 71:

    non ab re esse Quinctii visum est,

    Liv. 35, 32, 6; so Plin. 27, 8, 35; 31, 3, 26; Suet. Aug. 94; id. Dom. 11; Gell. 18, 14 fin.; App. Dogm. Plat. 3, p. 31, 22 al. (but in Ter. Ad. 5, 3, 44, ab re means with respect to the money matter).
    In partic.
    To denote an agent from whom an action proceeds, or by whom a thing is done or takes place. By, and in archaic and solemn style, of. So most frequently with pass. or intrans. verbs with pass. signif., when the active object is or is considered as a living being: Laudari me abs te, a laudato viro, Naev. ap. Cic. Tusc. 4, 31, 67: injuria abs te afficior, Enn. ap. Auct. Her. 2, 24, 38:

    a patre deductus ad Scaevolam,

    Cic. Lael. 1, 1:

    ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur,

    id. ib. 1, 3:

    disputata ab eo,

    id. ib. 1, 4 al.:

    illa (i. e. numerorum ac vocum vis) maxime a Graecia vetere celebrata,

    id. de Or. 3, 51, 197:

    ita generati a natura sumus,

    id. Off. 1, 29, 103; cf.:

    pars mundi damnata a rerum natura,

    Plin. 4, 12, 26, § 88:

    niagna adhibita cura est a providentia deorum,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 51 al. —With intrans. verbs:

    quae (i. e. anima) calescit ab eo spiritu,

    is warmed by this breath, Cic. N. D. 2, 55, 138; cf. Ov. M. 1, 417: (mare) qua a sole collucet, Cic. Ac. 2, 105:

    salvebis a meo Cicerone,

    i. e. young Cicero sends his compliments to you, id. Att. 6, 2 fin.:

    a quibus (Atheniensibus) erat profectus,

    i. e. by whose command, Nep. Milt. 2, 3:

    ne vir ab hoste cadat,

    Ov. H. 9, 36 al. —A substantive or adjective often takes the place of the verb (so with de, q. v.):

    levior est plaga ab amico quam a debitore,

    Cic. Fam. 9, 16, 7; cf.:

    a bestiis ictus, morsus, impetus,

    id. Off. 2, 6, 19:

    si calor est a sole,

    id. N. D. 2, 52:

    ex iis a te verbis (for a te scriptis),

    id. Att. 16, 7, 5:

    metu poenae a Romanis,

    Liv. 32, 23, 9:

    bellum ingens a Volscis et Aequis,

    id. 3, 22, 2:

    ad exsolvendam fldem a consule,

    id. 27, 5, 6.—With an adj.:

    lassus ab equo indomito,

    Hor. S. 2, 2, 10:

    Murus ab ingenic notior ille tuo,

    Prop. 5, 1, 126:

    tempus a nostris triste malis,

    time made sad by our misfortunes, Ov. Tr. 4, 3, 36.—Different from per:

    vulgo occidebantur: per quos et a quibus?

    by whom and upon whose orders? Cic. Rosc. Am. 29, 80 (cf. id. ib. 34, 97: cujus consilio occisus sit, invenio; cujus manu sit percussus, non laboro); so,

    ab hoc destitutus per Thrasybulum (i. e. Thrasybulo auctore),

    Nep. Alc. 5, 4.—Ambiguity sometimes arises from the fact that the verb in the pass. would require ab if used in the active:

    si postulatur a populo,

    if the people demand it, Cic. Off. 2, 17, 58, might also mean, if it is required of the people; on the contrary: quod ab eo (Lucullo) laus imperatoria non admodum exspectabatur, not since he did not expect military renown, but since they did not expect military renown from him, Cic. Ac. 2, 1, 2, and so often; cf. Rudd. II. p. 213. (The use of the active dative, or dative of the agent, instead of ab with the pass., is well known, Zumpt, § 419. It is very seldom found in prose writers of the golden age of Roman liter.; with Cic. sometimes joined with the participles auditus, cognitus, constitutus, perspectus, provisus, susceptus; cf. Halm ad Cic. Imp. Pomp. 24, 71, and ad ejusdem, Cat. 1, 7 fin.; but freq. at a later period; e. g. in Pliny, in Books 2-4 of H. N., more than twenty times; and likewise in Tacitus seventeen times. Vid. the passages in Nipperd. ad Tac. A. 2, 49.) Far more unusual is the simple abl. in the designation of persons:

    deseror conjuge,

    Ov. H. 12, 161; so id. ib. 5, 75; id. M. 1, 747; Verg. A. 1, 274; Hor. C. 2, 4, 9; 1, 6, 2;

    and in prose,

    Quint. 3, 4, 2; Sen. Contr. 2, 1; Curt. 6, 7, 8; cf. Rudd. II. p. 212; Zumpt ad Quint. V. p. 122 Spalding.—Hence the adverbial phrase a se=uph heautou, sua sponte, of one's own uccord, spontaneously:

    ipsum a se oritur et sua sponte nascitur,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 24, 78:

    (urna) ab se cantat quoja sit,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 5, 21 (al. eapse; cf. id. Men. 1, 2, 66); so Col. 11, 1, 5; Liv. 44, 33, 6.
    With names of towns to denote origin, extraction, instead of gentile adjectives. From, of:

    pastores a Pergamide,

    Varr. R. R. 2, 2, 1:

    Turnus ab Aricia,

    Liv. 1, 50, 3 (for which Aricinus, id. 1, 51, 1):

    obsides dant trecentos principum a Cora atque Pometia liberos,

    Liv. 2, 22, 2; and poet.: O longa mundi servator ab Alba, Auguste, thou who art descended from the old Alban race of kings (=oriundus, or ortus regibus Albanis), Prop. 5, 6, 37.
    In giving the etymology of a name: eam rem (sc. legem, Gr. nomon) illi Graeco putant nomine a suum cuique tribuendo appellatam, ego nostro a legendo, Cic. Leg. 1, 6, 19: annum intervallum regni fuit: id ab re... interregnum appellatum, Liv. 1, 17, 6:

    (sinus maris) ab nomine propinquae urbis Ambracius appellatus,

    id. 38, 4, 3; and so Varro in his Ling. Lat., and Pliny, in Books 1-5 of H. N., on almost every page. (Cf. also the arts. ex and de.)
    With verbs of beginning and repeating: a summo bibere, in Plaut. to drink in succession from the one at the head of the table:

    da, puere, ab summo,

    Plaut. As. 5, 2, 41; so,

    da ab Delphio cantharum circum, id Most. 1, 4, 33: ab eo nobis causa ordienda est potissimum,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 7, 21:

    coepere a fame mala,

    Liv. 4, 12, 7:

    cornicem a cauda de ovo exire,

    tail-foremost, Plin. 10, 16, 18:

    a capite repetis, quod quaerimus,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 6, 18 al.
    With verbs of freeing from, defending, or protecting against any thing:

    a foliis et stercore purgato,

    Cato, R. R. 65 (66), 1:

    tantumne ab re tuast oti tibi?

    Ter. Heaut. 1, [p. 4] 1, 23; cf.:

    Saguntini ut a proeliis quietem habuerant,

    Liv. 21, 11, 5:

    expiandum forum ab illis nefarii sceleris vestigiis,

    Cic. Rab. Perd. 4, 11:

    haec provincia non modo a calamitate, sed etiam a metu calamitatis est defendenda,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 6, 14 (v. defendo):

    ab incendio urbem vigiliis munitam intellegebat,

    Sall. C. 32:

    ut neque sustinere se a lapsu possent,

    Liv. 21, 35, 12:

    ut meam domum metueret atque a me ipso caveret,

    Cic. Sest. 64, 133.
    With verbs of expecting, fearing, hoping, and the like, ab =a parte, as, Cic. Att. 9, 7, 4: cum eadem metuam ab hac parte, since I fear the same from this side; hence, timere, metuere ab aliquo, not, to be afraid of any one, but, to fear something (proceeding from) from him:

    el metul a Chryside,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 79; cf.:

    ab Hannibale metuens,

    Liv. 23, 36; and:

    metus a praetore,

    id. 23, 15, 7;

    v. Weissenb. ad h. l.: a quo quidem genere, judices, ego numquam timui,

    Cic. Sull. 20, 59:

    postquam nec ab Romanis robis ulla est spes,

    you can expect nothing from the Romans, Liv. 21, 13, 4.
    With verbs of fastening and holding:

    funiculus a puppi religatus,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 51, 154:

    cum sinistra capillum ejus a vertice teneret,

    Q. Cic. Pet. Cons. 3.
    Ulcisci se ab aliquo, to take vengeance on one:

    a ferro sanguis humanus se ulciscitur,

    Plin. 34, 14, 41 fin.
    Cognoscere ab aliqua re to knoio or learn by means of something (different from ab aliquo, to learn from some one):

    id se a Gallicis armis atque insignibus cognovisse,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 22.
    Dolere, laborare, valere ab, instead of the simple abl.:

    doleo ab animo, doleo ab oculis, doleo ab aegritudine,

    Plaut. Cist. 1, 1, 62:

    a morbo valui, ab animo aeger fui,

    id. Ep. 1, 2, 26; cf. id. Aul. 2, 2, 9:

    a frigore et aestu ne quid laborent,

    Varr. R. R. 2, 2, 17; so,

    a frigore laborantibus,

    Plin. 32, 10, 46, § 133; cf.:

    laborare ab re frumentaria,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 10, 1; id. B. C. 3, 9; v. laboro.
    Where verbs and adjectives are joined with ab, instead of the simple abl., ab defines more exactly the respect in which that which is expressed by the verb or adj. is to be understood, in relation to, with regard to, in respect to, on the part of:

    ab ingenio improbus,

    Plaut. Truc. 4, 3, 59:

    a me pudica'st,

    id. Curc. 1, 1, 51:

    orba ab optimatibus contio,

    Cic. Fl. 23, 54; ro Ov. H. 6,156: securos vos ab hac parte reddemus, Planc. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 24 fin. (v. securus):

    locus copiosus a frumento,

    Cic. Att. 5, 18, 2; cf.:

    sumus imparati cum a militibas tum a pecunia,

    id. ib. 7, 15 fin.:

    ille Graecus ab omni laude felicior,

    id. Brut. 16, 63:

    ab una parte haud satis prosperuin,

    Liv. 1, 32, 2 al.;

    so often in poets ab arte=arte,

    artfully, Tib. 1, 5, 4; 1, 9, 66; Ov. Am. 2, 4, 30.
    In the statement of the motive instead of ex, propter, or the simple abl. causae, from, out of, on account of, in consequence of: ab singulari amore scribo, Balb. ap. Cic. Att. 9, 7, B fin.:

    linguam ab irrisu exserentem,

    thrusting out the tongue in derision, Liv. 7, 10, 5:

    ab honore,

    id. 1, 8; so, ab ira, a spe, ab odio, v. Drak. ad Liv. 24, 30, 1: 26, 1, 3; cf. also Kritz and Fabri ad Sall. J. 31, 3, and Fabri ad Liv. 21, 36, 7.
    Especially in the poets instead of the gen.:

    ab illo injuria,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 129:

    fulgor ab auro,

    Lucr. 2, 5:

    dulces a fontibus undae,

    Verg. G. 2, 243.
    In indicating a part of the whole, for the more usual ex, of, out of:

    scuto ab novissimis uni militi detracto,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 25, 1:

    nonnuill ab novissimis,

    id. ib.; Cic. Sest. 65, 137; cf. id. ib. 59 fin.: a quibus (captivis) ad Senatum missus (Regulus).
    In marking that from which any thing proceeds, and to which it belongs:

    qui sunt ab ea disciplina,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 3, 7:

    ab eo qui sunt,

    id. Fin. 4, 3, 7:

    nostri illi a Platone et Aristotele aiunt,

    id. Mur. 30, 63 (in imitation of oi upo tinos).
    To designate an office or dignity (with or without servus; so not freq. till after the Aug. period;

    in Cic. only once): Pollex, servus a pedibus meus,

    one of my couriers, Cic. Att. 8, 5, 1; so,

    a manu servus,

    a secretary, Suet. Caes. 74: Narcissum ab eplstulis ( secretary) et Pallantem a rationibus ( accountant), id. Claud. 28; and so, ab actis, ab admissione, ab aegris, ab apotheca, ab argento, a balneis, a bibliotheca, a codicillis, a jumentis, a potione, etc. (v. these words and Inscr. Orell. vol. 3, Ind. xi. p. 181 sq.).
    The use of ab before adverbs is for the most part peculiar to later Latinity:

    a peregre,

    Vitr. 5, 7 (6), 8:

    a foris,

    Plin. 17, 24, 37; Vulg. Gen, 7, 16; ib. Matt. 23, 27:

    ab intus,

    ib. ib. 7, 15:

    ab invicem,

    App. Herb. 112; Vulg. Matt. 25, 32; Cypr. Ep. 63, 9: Hier. Ep. 18:

    a longe,

    Hyg. Fab. 257; Vulg. Gen. 22, 4; ib. Matt. 26, 58:

    a modo,

    ib. ib. 23, 39;

    Hier. Vit. Hilar.: a nune,

    Vulg. Luc. 1, 48:

    a sursum,

    ib. Marc. 15, 38.
    Ab is not repeated like most other prepositions (v. ad, ex, in, etc.) with pron. interrog. or relat. after subst. and pron. demonstr. with ab:

    Arsinoen, Stratum, Naupactum...fateris ab hostibus esse captas. Quibus autem hostibus? Nempe iis, quos, etc.,

    Cic. Pis. 37, 91:

    a rebus gerendis senectus abstrahit. Quibus? An iis, quae in juventute geruntur et viribus?

    id. Sen. 6:

    a Jove incipiendum putat. Quo Jove?

    id. Rep. 1, 36, 56:

    res publica, quascumque vires habebit, ab iis ipsis, quibus tenetur, de te propediem impetrabit,

    id. Fam. 4, 13, 5.—
    Ab in Plantus is once put after the word which it governs: quo ab, As. 1, 1, 106.—
    It is in various ways separated from the word which it governs:

    a vitae periculo,

    Cic. Brut. 91, 313:

    a nullius umquam me tempore aut commodo,

    id. Arch. 6, 12:

    a minus bono,

    Sall. C. 2, 6:

    a satis miti principio,

    Liv. 1, 6, 4:

    damnis dives ab ipsa suis,

    Ov. H. 9, 96; so id. ib. 12, 18; 13, 116.—
    The poets join a and que, making aque; but in good prose que is annexed to the following abl. (a meque, abs teque, etc.):

    aque Chao,

    Verg. G. 4, 347:

    aque mero,

    Ov. M. 3, 631:

    aque viro,

    id. H. 6, 156:

    aque suis,

    id. Tr. 5, 2, 74 al. But:

    a meque,

    Cic. Fam. 2, 16, 1:

    abs teque,

    id. Att. 3, 15, 4:

    a teque,

    id. ib. 8, 11, §

    7: a primaque adulescentia,

    id. Brut. 91, 315 al. —
    A Greek noun joined with ab stands in the dat.: a parte negotiati, hoc est pragmatikê, removisse, Quint. 3, 7, 1.
    In composition ab,
    Retains its original signif.: abducere, to take or carry away from some place: abstrahere, to draw auay; also, downward: abicere, to throw down; and denoting a departure from the idea of the simple word, it has an effect apparently privative: absimilis, departing from the similar, unlike: abnormis, departing from the rule, unusual (different from dissimilis, enormis); and so also in amens=a mente remotus, alienus ( out of one's senses, without self-control, insane): absurdus, missounding, then incongruous, irrational: abutor (in one of its senses), to misuse: aborior, abortus, to miscarry: abludo; for the privative force the Latin regularly employs in-, v. 2. in.—
    It more rarely designates completeness, as in absorbere, abutor ( to use up). (The designation of the fourth generation in the ascending or descending line by ab belongs here only in appearance; as abavus for quartus pater, great-great-grandfather, although the Greeks introduced upopappos; for the immutability of the syllable ab in abpatrnus and abmatertera, as well as the signif. Of the word abavus, grandfather's grandfather, imitated in abnepos, grandchild's grandchild, seems to point to a derivation from avi avus, as Festus, p. 13 Mull., explains atavus, by atta avi, or, rather, attae avus.)

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > ab

  • 8 εὐκρινής

    εὐκριν-ής, ές, ([etym.] κρίνω)
    A well-separated, X.Eq.Mag.3.3; well-opened, στόματα (sc. τῆς μήτρας) Hp.Mul.1.17 (s. v.l., cf. 111).
    II distinct, clear, τῆμος δ' εὐκρινέες τ' αὖραι καὶ πόντος ἀπήμων then the winds are regular, steady, Hes.Op. 670;

    ἡ διάγνωσις εὐ. γενήσεται Is.10.2

    ; οὐκ εὐκρινές ἐστι πρὸς τὴν ἀκοήν there is no clear discernment, Arist.Pr. 903a17. Adv. -

    νῶς, ἔχειν Pl. Sph. 242c


    εὐκρινέστερον ἰδεῖν Id.R. 564c

    ; οὐκ εὐκρινῶς εἴτε.. εἴτε .. without distinction, Str.16.4.20, cf. 6.1.11.
    2 of literary style, pellucid, opp. ἀμφίβολον, Phld.Po.1676.8; τὸ καθαρὸν καὶ εὐ. Hermog. Id.1.1; of authors, such as Critias and Xenophon, ib.2.11, 12.
    III well-arranged, in good order, Hp.Mul.1.17 (if σώματα be read);

    πάντα.. εὐκρινέα ποιέεσθαι Hdt.9.42

    . Adv. -

    νῶς, κεῖσθαι X. Oec.8.19

    2 of bandages, simple, not creased, Hp.Off.10, cf. Gal. 18(2).776. Adv. - νῶς ib.725; [dialect] Ion. -

    νέως Hp.Off.3

    IV having had a favourable crisis, convalescent,

    σωμάτιον Isoc.Ep.4.11

    , cf. Hsch.; but, indicating a good crisis, favourable, of symptoms, Hp.Coac. 604, Antyll. ap. Orib.9.4.2: metaph., Men.Pk. 163.
    2 ofillnesses, easily brought to a crisis, Hp.Aph.3.8, Epid.2.1.5 ([comp] Sup.).
    3 = νεκρός, Hsch.: [dialect] Att. use, acc. to EM392.32.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > εὐκρινής

  • 9 ἄν

    ἄν (A), [pron. full] [ᾰ], [dialect] Ep., Lyr., [dialect] Ion., Arc., [dialect] Att.; also κεν) [dialect] Ep., [dialect] Aeol., Thess., κᾱ [dialect] Dor., [dialect] Boeot., El.; the two combined in [dialect] Ep. (infr. D. 11.2) and Arc.,

    εἰκ ἄν IG5(2).6.2

    , 15 (iv B. C.):—modal Particle used with Verbs to indicate that the action is limited by circumstances or defined by conditions. In Hom. κε is four times as common as ἄν, in Lyr. about equally common. No clear distinction can be traced, but κε as an enclitic is somewhat less emphatic; ἄν is preferred by Hom. in negative clauses, κε ([etym.] ν) with the relative.
    A In Simple Sentences, and in the Apodosis of Compound Sentences; here ἄν belongs to the Verb, and denotes that the assertion made by the Verb is dependent on a condition, expressed or implied: thus ἦλθεν he came, ἦλθεν ἄν he would have come (under conditions, which may or may not be defined), and so he might have come; ἔλθοι may he come, ἔλθοι ἄν he would come (under certain conditions), and so he might come.
    1 with historical tenses, generally [tense] impf. and [tense] aor., less freq. [tense] plpf., never [tense] pf., v. infr.,
    a most freq. in apodosis of conditional sentences, with protasis implying nonfulfilment of a past or present condition, and apod. expressing what would be or would have been the case if the condition were or had been fulfilled. The [tense] impf. with ἄν refers to continued action, in Hom. always in past time, exc. perh.

    καί κε θάμ' ἐνθάδ' ἐόντες ἐμισγόμεθ' Od.4

    . 178; later also in [tense] pres. time, first in Thgn.905; πολὺ ἂν θαυμαστότερον ἦν, εἰ ἐτιμῶντο it would be far more strange if they were honoured, Pl.R. 489a; οὐκ ἂν νήσων ἐκράτει, εἰ μή τι καὶ ναυτικὸν εἶχεν he would not have been master of islands if he had not had also some naval power, Th.1.9. The [tense] aor. strictly refers only to past time, Pi.N.11.24, etc.; εἰ τότε ταύτην ἔσχε τὴν γνώμην, οὐδὲν ἂν ὧν νυνὶ πεποίηκεν ἔπραξεν if he had then come to this opinion, he would have accomplished nothing of what he has now done, D.4.5, al., but is used idiomatically with Verbs of saying, answering, etc., as we say I should have said,

    εἰ μὴ πατὴρ ἦσθ', εἶπον ἄν σ' οὐκ εὖ φρονεῖν S.Ant. 755

    , cf. Pl.Smp. 199d, Euthphr. 12d, etc.: the [tense] plpf. refers to completed actions, as ὃ εἰ ἀπεκρίνω, ἱκανῶς ἂν ἤδη παρὰ σοῦ τὴν ὁσιότητα ἐμεμαθήκη I should have already learnt.., ib. 14c;

    εἰ ὁ ἀνὴρ ἀπέθανεν, δικαίως ἂν ἐτεθνήκει Antipho 4.2.3

    c with no definite protasis understood, to express what would have been likely to happen, or might have happened in past time: ἢ γάρ μιν ζωόν γε κιχήσεαι, ἤ κεν Ὀρέστης κτεῖνεν ὑποφθάμενος for either you will find him alive, or else Orestes may already have killed him before you, Od.4.546; ὃ θεασάμενος πᾶς ἄν τις ἀνὴρ ἠράσθη δάϊος εἶναι every man who saw this (the 'Seven against Thebes') would have longed to be a warrior, Ar. Ra. 1022; esp. with τάχα, q. v., ἀλλ' ἦλθε μὲν δὴ τοῦτο τοὔνειδος τάχ' ἂν ὀργῇ βιασθὲν μᾶλλον ἢ γνώμῃ φρενῶν, i. e. it might perhaps have come, S.OT 523; τάχα ἂν δὲ καὶ ἄλλως πως ἐσπλεύσαντες (sc. διέβησαν ) and they might also perhaps have crossed by sea (to Sicily) in some other way, Th.6.2, cf. Pl.Phdr. 265b.
    d ἄν is freq. omitted in apodosi with Verbs expressing obligation, propriety, or possibility, as ἔδει, ἐχρῆν, εἰκὸς ἦν, etc., and sts. for rhetorical effect, εἰ μὴ.. ᾖσμεν, φόβον παρέσχεν it had caused (for it would have caused) fear, E.Hec. 1113. This use becomes more common in later Gk.
    2 with [tense] fut. ind.:
    a frequently in [dialect] Ep., usu. with κεν, rarely ἄν, Il.9.167, 22.66, indicating a limitation or condition, ὁ δέ κεν κεχολώσεται ὅν κεν ἵκωμαι and he will likely be angry to whom- soever I shall come, ib.1.139; καί κέ τις ὧδ' ἐρέει and in that case men will say, 4.176;

    ἐγὼ δέ κέ τοι καταλέξω Od.3.80

    ; so in Lyr.,

    μαθὼν δέ τις ἂν ἐρεῖ Pi.N.7.68

    , cf. I.6(5).59.
    b rarely in codd. of [dialect] Att. Prose writers,

    σαφὲς ἂν καταστήσετε Th.1.140


    οὐχ ἥκει, οὐδ' ἂν ἥξει δεῦρο Pl.R. 615d

    , cf. Ap. 29c, X.An.2.5.13; dub. in Hp.Mul.2.174: in later Prose, Philostr. V A2.21, S E.M.9.225: also in Poetry, E.El. 484, Ar.Av. 1313;

    οὐκ ἂν προδώσω Herod.6.36

    (corr. - δοίην):— for ἄν with [tense] fut. inf. and part. v. infr.
    II WITH SUBJUNCTIVE, only in [dialect] Ep., the meaning being the same as with the [tense] fut. ind. (1.2a), freq. with [ per.] 1st pers., as εἰ δέ κε μὴ δώῃσιν, ἐγὼ δέ κεν αὐτὸς ἕλωμαι in that case I will take her myself, Il.1.324; πείθευ, ἐγὼ δέ κέ τοι εἰδέω χάριν obey and if so I will be grateful, 14.235 (the subj. is always introduced by δέ in this usage); also with other persons, giving emphasis to the future,

    οὐκ ἄν τοι χραίσμῃ κίθαρις 3.54

    , al.
    III WITH OPTATIVE (never [tense] fut., rarely [tense] pf. πῶς ἂν λελήθοι [με]; X.Smp.3.6):
    a in apodosis of conditional sentences, after protasis in opt. with εἰ or some other conditional or relative word, expressing a [tense] fut. condition:

    ἀλλ' εἴ μοί τι πίθοιο, τό κεν πολὺ κέρδιον εἴη Il.7.28


    οὐ πολλὴ ἂν ἀλογία εἴη, εἰ φοβοῖτο τὸν θάνατον; Pl.Phd. 68b

    :—in Hom. [tense] pres. and [tense] aor. opt. with κε or ἄν are sts. used like [tense] impf. and [tense] aor. ind. with ἄν in Attic, with either regular ind. or another opt. in the protasis: καί νύ κεν ἔνθ' ἀπόλοιτο.. εἰ μὴ.. νόησε κτλ., i. e. he would have perished, had she not perceived, etc., Il.5.311, cf. 5.388, 17.70; εἰ νῦν ἐπὶ ἄλλῳ ἀεθλεύοιμεν, ἦ τ' ἂν ἐγὼ.. κλισίηνδε φεροίμην if we were now contending in another's honour, I should now carry.., ib.23.274: so rarely in Trag., οὐδ' ἂν σὺ φαίης, εἴ σε μὴ κνίζοι λέχος (for εἰ μὴ ἔκνιζε) E.Med. 568.
    b with protasis in [tense] pres. or [tense] fut., the opt. with ἄν in apodosi takes a simply future sense: φρούριον δ' εἰ ποιήσονται, τῆς μὲν γῆς βλάπτοιεν ἄν τι μέρος they might perhaps damage, Th.1.142, cf. 2.60, Pl.Ap. 25b, R. 333e;

    ἢν οὖν μάθῃς.. οὐκ ἂν ἀποδοίην Ar.Nu. 116

    , cf. D.1.26, al.
    c with protasis understood:

    φεύγωμεν· ἔτι γάρ κεν ἀλύξαιμεν κακὸν ἦμαρ Od.10.269

    ; οὔτε ἐσθίουσι πλείω ἢ δύνανται φέρειν· διαρραγεῖεν γὰρ ἄν for (if they should do so) they would burst, X. Cyr.8.2.21; τὸν δ' οὔ κε δύ' ἀνέρε.. ἀπ' οὔδεος ὀχλίσσειαν two men could not heave the stone from the ground, i. e. would not, if they should try, Il.12.447;

    οὐδ' ἂν δικαίως ἐς κακὸν πέσοιμί τι S.Ant. 240

    , cf. D.2.8: in Hom. sts. with ref. to past time,

    Τυδεΐδην οὐκ ἂν γνοίης ποτέροισι μετείη Il.5.85

    d with no definite protasis implied, in potential sense: ἡδέως δ' ἂν ἐροίμην Λεπτίνην but I would gladly ask Leptines, D.20.129; βουλοίμην ἄν I should like , Lat. velim (but ἐβουλόμην ἄν I should wish, if it were of any avail, vellem); ποῖ οὖν τραποίμεθ' ἄν; which way then can we turn? Pl.Euthd. 290a; οὐκ ἂν μεθείμην τοῦ θρόνου I will not give up the throne, Ar.Ra. 830; idiomatically, referring to the past, αὗται δὲ οὐκ ἂν πολλαὶ εἶεν but these would not (on investigation) prove to be many, Th.1.9; εἴησαν δ' ἂν οὗτοι Κρῆτες these would be (i. e. would have been) Cretans, Hdt.1.2: used in order to soften assertions by giving them a less positive form, as οὐκ ἂν οὖν πάνυ γέ τι σπουδαῖον εἴη ἡ δικαιοσύνη, i.e. it would not prove to be, etc. (for, it is not, etc.), Pl.R. 333e.
    e in questions, expressing a wish:

    τίς ἂν θεῶν.. δοίη; S.OC 1100

    , cf.A.Ag. 1448;

    πῶς ἂν θάνοιμι; S.Aj. 389

    : hence (with no question) as a mild command, exhortation, or entreaty,

    τλαίης κεν Μενελάῳ ἐπιπροέμεν ταχὺν ἰόν Il.4.94

    ; σὺ μὲν κομίζοις ἂν σεαυτὸν ᾗ θέλεις you may take yourself off (milder than κόμιζε σεαυτόν), S.Ant. 444; χωροῖς ἂν εἴσω you may go in, El. 1491; κλύοις ἂν ἤδη, Φοῖβε hear me now, Phoebus, ib. 637; φράζοις ἄν, λέγοις ἄν, Pl.Phlb. 23c, 48b.
    f in a protasis which is also an apodosis: εἴπερ ἄλλῳ τῳ ἀνθρώπων πειθοίμην ἄν, καὶ σοὶ πείθομαι if I would trust any (other) man (if he gave me his word), I trust you, Id.Prt. 329b; εἰ μὴ ποιήσαιτ' ἂν τοῦτο if you would not do this (if you could), D.4.18, cf. X.Mem.1.5.3, Plot.6.4.16.
    g rarely omitted with opt. in apodosis:

    ῥεῖα θεός γ' ἐθέλων καὶ τηλόθεν ἄνδρα σαώσαι Od.3.231

    , cf. 14.123, Il.5.303; also in Trag.,

    θᾶσσον ἢ λέγοι τις E.Hipp. 1186


    τεὰν δύνασιν τίς.. κατάσχοι; S.Ant. 605

    h ἄν c. [tense] fut. opt. is prob. always corrupt (cf. 1.2b), as τὸν αὐτὸν ἂν ἐπαινέσοι ( ἐπαινέσαι Bekk.) Pl.Lg. 719e; εἰδὼς ὅτι οὐδέν' ἂν καταλήψοιτο ( οὐδένα Bekk.) Lys.1.22.
    IV WITH INF. and PART. (sts. ADJ. equivalent to part.,

    τῶν δυνατῶν ἂν κρῖναι Pl.R. 577b

    ) representing ind. or opt.:
    1 [tense] pres. inf. or part.:
    a representing [tense] impf. ind., οἴεσθε τὸν πατέρα.. οὐκ ἂν φυλάττειν; do you think he would not have kept them safe? ([etym.] οὐκ ἂν ἐφύλαττεν), D.49.35; ἀδυνάτων ἂν ὄντων [ὑμῶν] ἐπιβοηθεῖν when you would have been unable, Th.1.73, cf. 4.40.
    2 [tense] aor. inf. or part.:
    a representing [tense] aor. ind., οὐκ ἂν ἡγεῖσθ' αὐτὸν κἂν ἐπιδραμεῖν; do you not think he would even have run thither? ([etym.] καὶ ἐπέδραμεν ἄν), D.27.56; ἴσμεν ὑμᾶς ἀναγκασθέντας ἄν we know you would have been compelled, Th.1.76, cf. 3.89; ῥᾳδίως ἂν ἀφεθείς when he might easily have been acquitted, X.Mem.4.4.4.
    b representing [tense] aor. opt., οὐδ' ἂν κρατῆσαι αὐτοὺς τῆς γῆς ἡγοῦμαι I think they would not even be masters of the land ([etym.] οὐδ' ἂν κρατήσειαν), Th.6.37, cf. 2.20; ὁρῶν ῥᾳδίως ἂν αὐτὸ ληφθέν ([etym.] ληφθείη ἄν) Id.7.42; οὔτε ὄντα οὔτε ἂν γενόμενα, i.e. things which are not and never could happen ([etym.] ἃ οὔτε ἂν γένοιτο), Id.6.38.
    3 [tense] pf. inf. or part. representing:
    a [tense] plpf. ind., πάντα ταῦθ' ὑπὸ τῶν βαρβάρων ἂν ἑαλωκέναι ([etym.] φήσειεν ἄν ) he would say that all these would have been destroyed by the barbarians ([etym.] ἑαλώκη ἄν), D.19.312.
    b [tense] pf. opt., οὐκ ἂν ἡγοῦμαι αὐτοὺς δίκην ἀξίαν δεδωκέναι, εἰ.. καταψηφίσαισθε I do not believe they would (then) have suffered ([etym.] δεδωκότες ἂν εἶεν) punishment enough, etc., Lys.27.9.
    4 [tense] fut. inf.or part., never in [dialect] Ep., and prob. always corrupt in [dialect] Att., νομίζων μέγιστον ἂν σφᾶς ὠφελήσειν (leg. - ῆσαι) Th.5.82, cf. 6.66, 8.25,71; part. is still more exceptional,

    ὡς ἐμοῦ οὐκ ἂν ποιήσοντος ἄλλα Pl.Ap. 30c

    (codd.), cf. D.19.342 (v. l.); both are found in later Gk.,

    νομίσαντες ἂν οἰκήσειν οὕτως ἄριστα Plb.8.30.8

    , cf. Plu.Marc.15, Arr.An.2.2.3; with part., Epicur. Nat.14.1, Luc.Asin.26, Lib.Or.62.21, dub. l. in Arr.An.6.6.5.
    I In the protasis of conditional sentences with εἰ, regularly with the subjunctive. In Attic εἰ ἄν is contracted into ἐάν, ἤν, or ἄν ([etym.] ) (q. v.): Hom. has generally εἴ κε (or αἴ κε), sts. ἤν, once

    εἰ δ' ἄν Il.3.288

    , twice

    εἴπερ ἄν 5.224

    , 232. The protasis expresses either future condition (with apod. of [tense] fut. time) or general condition (with apod. of repeated action): εἰ δέ κεν ὣς ἔρξῃς καί τοι πείθωνται Ἀχαιοί, γνώσῃ ἔπειθ' ὅς .. if thus thou shalt do.., ib.2.364; ἢν ἐγγὺς ἔλθῃ θάνατος, οὐδεὶς βούλεται θνῄσκειν if death (ever) come near.., E.Alc. 671.
    2 in relative or temporal clauses with a conditional force; here ἄν coalesces with ὅτε, ὁπότε, ἐπεί, ἐπειδή, cf. ὅταν, ὁπόταν, ἐπήν or ἐπάν ([dialect] Ion. ἐπεάν) , ἐπειδάν: Hom. has ὅτε κε (sts. ὅτ' ἄν) , ὁππότε κε (sts. ὁπότ' ἄν or ὁππότ' ἄν) , ἐπεί κε (

    ἐπεὶ ἄν Il.6.412

    ), ἐπήν, εὖτ' ἄν; v. also εἰσόκε ([etym.] εἰς ὅ κε):—τάων ἥν κ' ἐθέλωμι φίλην ποιήσομ' ἄκοιτιν whomsoever of these I may wish.., Il.9.397; ὅταν δὴ μὴ σθένω, πεπαύσομαι when I shall have no strength.., S.Ant.91; ἐχθρὸς γάρ μοι κεῖνος.. ὅς χ' ἕτερον μὲν κεύθῃ ἐνὶ φρεσίν, ἄλλο δὲ εἴπῃ who ever conceals one thing in his mind and speaks another, Il.9.312, cf. D.4.6, Th.1.21. —Hom. uses subj. in both the above constructions (1 and 2 ) without ἄν; also Trag. and Com., S.Aj. 496, Ar.Eq. 805; μέχρι and πρίν occasionally take subj. without ἄν in prose, e.g. Th.1.137,4.16 ([etym.] μέχρι οὗ), Pl.Phd. 62c, Aeschin.3.60.
    3 in final clauses introduced by relative Advbs., as ὡς, ὅπως (of Manner), ἵνα (of Place), ὄφρα, ἕως, etc. (of Time), freq. in [dialect] Ep.,

    σαώτερος ὥς κε νέηαι Il.1.32


    ὄφρα κεν εὕδῃ Od.3.359


    ὅπως ἂν εἰδῇ.. φράσω A.Pr. 824


    ὅπως ἂν φαίνηται κάλλιστος Pl.Smp. 198e


    μηχανητέον ὅπως ἂν διαφύγῃ Grg. 481a

    (where ὅπως with [tense] fut. ind. is the regular constr.); also after ὡς in Hdt., Trag., X.An.2.5.16, al., once in Th.6.91 (but [tense] fut. ind. is regular in [dialect] Att.); ἵνα final does not take ἄν or κε exc.

    ἵνα εἰδότες ἤ κε θάνωμεν ἤ κεν.. φύγοιμεν Od.12.156

    ( ἵνα = where in S.OC 405). μή, = lest, takes ἄν only with opt. in apodosis, as S.Tr. 631, Th.2.93.
    II in [dialect] Ep. sts. with OPTATIVE as with subj. (always κε ([etym.] ν), exc.

    εἴ περ ἂν αὐταὶ Μοῦσαι ἀείδοιεν Il.2.597


    εἴ κεν Ἄρης οἴχοιτο Od.8.353

    ; ὥς κε.. δοίη ᾧ κ' ἐθέλοι that he might give her to whomsoever he might please, ib.2.54: so in Hdt. in final clauses, 1.75,99:—in Od.23.135 ὥς κέν τις φαίη, κέν belongs to Verb in apod., as in

    ὡς δ' ἂν ἥδιστα ταῦτα φαίνοιτο X.Cyr.7.5.81

    2 rarely in oratio obliqua, where a relat. or temp. word retains an ἄν which it would have with subj. in direct form, S.Tr. 687, X.Mem.1.2.6, Isoc.17.15;

    ἐπειδὰν δοκιμασθείην D.30.6

    :—similarly after a preceding opt.,

    οὐκ ἀποκρίναιο ἕως ἂν.. σκέψαιο Pl.Phd. 101d

    III rarely with εἰ and INDICATIVE in protasis, only in [dialect] Ep.:
    1 with [tense] fut. ind. as with subj.:

    αἴ κεν Ἰλίου πεφιδήσεται Il.15.213

    :—so with relat.,

    οἵ κέ με τιμήσουσι 1.175

    2 with εἰ and a past tense of ind., once in Hom.,

    εἰ δέ κ' ἔτι προτέρω γένετο δρόμος Il.23.526

    ; so Ζεὺς γάρ κ' ἔθηκε νῆσον εἴ κ' ἐβούλετο Orac. ap. Hdt.1.174, cf. Ar.Lys. 1099 (cod. R), A.R.1.197.
    IV in later Greek, ἄν with relative words is used with INDICATIVE in all tenses, as

    ὅπου ἂν εἰσεπορεύετο Ev.Marc.6.56


    ὅσ' ἂν πάσχετε PFay. 136

    (iv A. D.);

    ἔνθ' ἂν πέφυκεν ἡ ὁλότης εἶναι Phlp. in Ph.436.19

    ; cf. ἐάν, ὅταν.
    C with [tense] impf. and more rarely [tense] aor. ind. in ITERATIVE construction, to express elliptically a condilion fulfilled whenever an opportumty offered; freq. in Hdt. (not in Pi. or A.), κλαίεσκε ἂν καὶ ὀδυρέσκετο she would (i. e. used to) weep and lament, 3.119;

    εἶτα πῦρ ἂν οὐ παρῆν S.Ph. 295

    ; εἴ τινες ἴδοιεν.., ἀνεθάρσησαν ἄν whenever they saw it, on each occasion, Th.7.71;

    διηρώτων ἂν αὐτοὺς τί λέγοιεν Pl.Ap. 22b

    : inf. representing [tense] impf. of this constr., ἀκούω Λακεδαιμονίους τότε ἐμβαλόντας ἂν.. ἀναχωρεῖν, i. e. I hear they used to retire ([etym.] ἀνεχώρουν ἄν), D.9.48.
    1 in A, when ἄν does not coalesce with the relat. word (as in ἐάν, ὅταν), it follows directly or is separated only by other particles, as μέν, δέ, τε, ga/r, kai/, νυ, περ, etc.; as

    εἰ μέν κεν.. εἰ δέ κε Il.3.281

    -4; rarely by τις, as

    ὅποι τις ἄν, οἶμαι, προσθῇ D.2.14

    :—in Hom. and Hes. two such Particles may precede κε, as

    εἴ περ γάρ κεν Od.8.355

    , cf. Il.2.123; εἰ γάρ τίς κε, ὃς μὲν γάρ κε, Hes.Op. 280, 357; rarely in Prose,

    ὅποι μὲν γὰρ ἄν D.4.45


    ὁπότερος οὖν ἄν Ar.Ra. 1420

    : also

    ὁπόσῳ πλέον ἄν Pl.Lg. 647e

    , cf. 850a;

    ὅπου τὸ πάλαι λεγόμενον ἂν γίγνηται 739c

    2 in apodosis, ἄν may stand either next to its Verb (before or after it), or after some other emphatic word, esp. an interrog., a negative (e. g. οὐδ' ἂν εἷς, οὐκ ἂν ἔτι, etc.), or an important Adjective or Adverb; also after a participle which represents the protasis, λέγοντος ἄν τινος πιστεῦσαι οἴεσθε; do you think they would have believed it if any one had told them? ([etym.] εἴ τις ἔλεγεν, ἐπίστευσαν ἄν), D.6.20.
    3 ἄν is freq. separated from its inf. by such Verbs as οἴομαι, δοκέω, φημί, οἶδα, etc., οὐκ ἂν οἴει .. ; freq. in Pl., Grg. 486d, al.; καὶ νῦν ἡδέως ἄν μοι δοκῶ κοινωνῆσαι I think that I should, X.Cyr.8.7.25;

    οὕτω γὰρ ἄν μοι δοκεῖ ἥ τε πόλις ἄριστα διοικεῖσθαι Aeschin.3.2

    ; ἃ μήτε προῄδει μηδεὶς μήτ' ἂν ᾠήθη τήμερον ῥηθῆναι (where ἄν belongs to ῥηθῆναι) D. 18.225:—in the phrase οὐκ οἶδ' ἂν εἰ, or οὐκ ἂν οἶδ' εἰ, ἄν belongs not to οἶδα, but to the Verb which follows, οὐκ οἶδ' ἂν εἰ πείσαιμι, for οὐκ οἶδα εἰ πείσαιμι ἄν, E.Med. 941, cf. Alc.48;

    οὐκ ἂν οἶδ' εἰ δυναίμην Pl. Ti. 26b


    οὐκ οἶδ' ἂν εἰ ἐκτησάμην X.Cyr.5.4.12

    4 ἄν never begins a sentence, or even a clause after a comma, but may stand first after a parenthetic clause,

    ἀλλ', ὦ μέλ', ἄν μοι σιτίων διπλῶν ἔδει Ar. Pax

    II REPETITION OF ἄν:—in apodosis ἄν may be used twice or even three times with the same Verb, either to make the condition felt throughout a long sentence, or to emphasize certain words,

    ὥστ' ἄν, εἰ σθένος λάβοιμι, δηλώσαιμ' ἄν S.El. 333

    , cf. Ant.69, A.Ag. 340, Th.1.76 (fin.), 2.41, Pl.Ap. 31a, Lys.20.15;

    ἀφανεῖς ἂν ὄντες οὐκ ἂν ὑμνήθημεν ἄν E.Tr. 1244

    , cf. S.Fr. 739; attached to a parenthetical phrase, ἔδρασ' ἄν, εὖ τοῦτ' ἴσθ' ἄν, εἰ .. Id.OT 1438.
    2 ἄν is coupled with κε ([etym.] ν ) a few times in Hom., as Il.11.187, 202, Od.5.361, al.; cf. ἤν περ γάρ κ' ἐθέλωσιν v.l. ib.18.318.
    III ELLIPSIS OF VERB:—sts. the Verb to which ἄν belongs must be supplied, in Hom. only εἰμί, as τάτ' ἔλδεται ὅς κ' ἐπιδευής (sc. ) Il.5.481; ἀλλ' οὐκ ἂν πρὸ τοῦ (sc. ἔρρεγκον) Ar.Nu.5; τί δ' ἂν δοκεῖ σοι Πρίαμος (sc. πρᾶξαι)

    , εἰ τάδ' ἤνυσεν; A.Ag. 935

    :—so in phrases like πῶς γὰρ ἄν; and πῶς οὐκ ἄν (sc. εἴη); also in ὥσπερ ἂν εἰ (or ὡσπερανεί), as φοβούμενος ὥσπερ ἂν εἰ παῖς (i. e. ὥσπερ ἂν ἐφοβήθη εἰ παῖς ἦν) Pl.Grg. 479a; so τοσοῦτον ἐφρόνησαν, ὅσον περ ἂν (sc. ἐφρόνησαν)

    εἰ.. Isoc.10.48

    :—so also when κἂν εἰ ( = καὶ ἂν εἰ) has either no Verb in the apod. or one to which ἄν cannot belong, Pl.R. 477a, Men. 72c; cf. κἄν:—so the Verb of a protasis containing ἄν may be understood, ὅποι τις ἂν προσθῇ, κἂν μικρὰν δύναμιν (i. e. καὶ ἐὰν προσθῇ) D.2.14; ὡς ἐμοῦ οὖν ἰόντος ὅπῃ ἂν καὶ ὑμεῖς (sc. ἴητε) X.An.1.3.6.
    IV ELLIPSIS OF ἄν:—when an apodosis consists of several co-ordinate clauses, ἄν is generally used only in the first and understood in the others:

    πείθοι' ἂν εἰ πείθοι'· ἀπειθοίης δ' ἴσως A.Ag. 1049

    : even when the construction is continued in a new sentence, Pl.R. 352e, cf. 439b codd.: but ἄν is repeated for the sake of clearness or emphasis, ib. 398a, cf. D.19.156 (where an opt. is implied with the third ὡς): rarely expressed with the second of two co-ordinate Verbs and understood with the first, τοῦτον ἂν.. θαρσοίην ἐγὼ καλῶς μὲν ἄρχειν, εὖ δ' ἂν ἄρχεσθαι θέλειν (i. e. καλῶς μὲν ἂν ἄρχοι, εὖ δ' ἂν θέλοι ἄρχεσθαι) S.Ant. 669.
    ἄν (B), [pron. full] [ᾱ], [dialect] Att.,
    A = ἐάν, ἤν, Th.4.46 codd., al.; freq. in Pl.,

    ἂν σωφρονῇ Phd. 61b

    ; ἂν θεὸς θέλῃ ib. 80d, cf. D.4.50;

    ἄν τ'.. ἄν τε Arist. Ath.48.4

    : not common in earlier [dialect] Att. Inscrr., IG1.2a5, 2.179b49, al.: but freq. later, SIG1044.27 (iv/iii B. C.), PPetr.2p.47 (iii B. C.), PPar.32.19 (ii B. C.), PTeb.110.8 (i B. C.), Ev.Jo.20.23, etc.
    ἄν (C) or [full] ἀν, Epic form of ἀνά, q. v.
    ἄν (D), shortened from ἄνα, v. sub ἀνά G.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > ἄν

  • 10 ἐκ

    ἐκ, before a vowel [full] ἐξ, also

    ἐξ τῳ ϝοίκῳ Inscr.Cypr. 135.5

    H., in [dialect] Att. Inscrr. before ς ξ ζ ρ and less freq. λ ; ἐγ- in Inscrr. before β γ δ λ μ ν ; Cret. and [dialect] Boeot. [full] ἐς Leg.Gort.2.49, Corinn.Supp.2.67 ; ἐχ freq. in [dialect] Att. Inscrr. before χ φ θ (and in early Inscrr. before ς, IG12.304.20) ; also ἐ Ναυπάκτω ib.9(1).334.8 ([dialect] Locr.) ; (ἐτ is for ἐπὶ in ib 9(2).517.14 (Thess.)):—Prep. governing GEN. only (exc. in Cypr. and Arc., c. dat., Inscr.Cypr.135.5 H. ([place name] Idalium), (in form ἐς) IG5(2).6.49 (Tegea, iv B.C.)):—radical sense, from out of, freq. also simply, from.
    I OF PLACE, the most freq. usage, variously modified:
    1 of Motion, out of, forth from,

    ἐκ Πύλου ἐλθὼν τηλόθεν ἐξ ἀπίης γαίης Il.1.269

    , cf.Pl.Prt. 321c, etc. ;

    μάχης ἔκ Il.17.207


    ἂψ ἐκ δυσμενέων ἀνδρῶν 24.288

    ; ἐξ ὀχέων, ἐξ ἕδρης, 3.29, 19.77 ;

    φεύγειν ἐκ πολέμοιο 7.119


    ἐκ τῶν πολεμίων ἐλθεῖν X.Cyr.6.2.9


    ἐκ χειρῶν γέρας εἵλετο Il.9.344

    , cf. S.Ph. 1287 (but ἐκ χειρὸς βάλλειν or παίειν to strike with a spear in the hand, opp. ἀντιτοξεύειν or ἀκοντίζειν, X.An.3.3.15, Cyr.4.3.16 ; ἐκ χειρὸς τὴν μάχην ποιεῖσθαι ib.6.2.16, cf. 6.3.24, etc.) ; ἐκ χρυσῶν φιαλῶν πίνειν ib.5.3.3 ;

    ἐξ ἀγορᾶς ὠνεῖσθαι Pl.Com.190

    3 to denote change or succession, freq. with an antithetic repetition of the same word, δέχεται κακὸν ἐκ κακοῦ one evil comes from (or after) another, Il.19.290 ;

    ἐκ φόβου φόβον τρέφω S.Tr.28

    ; πόλιν ἐκ πόλεως ἀμείβειν, ἀλλάττειν, Pl. Sph. 224b, Plt. 289e ;

    λόγον ἐκ λόγου λέγειν D.18.313


    πόρους ἐκ πόρων ὑπισχνούμενοι Alciphr.1.8


    ἀπαλλάττειν τινὰ ἐκ γόων S.El. 291


    ἐκ κακῶν πεφευγέναι Id.Ant. 437

    : hence, instead of,

    τυφλὸς ἐκ δεδορκότος Id.OT 454


    λευκὴν..ἐκ μελαίνης ἀμφιβάλλομαι τρίχα Id.Ant. 1093


    ἐλεύθερος ἐκ δούλου καὶ πλούσιος ἐκ πτωχοῦ γεγονώς D.18.131

    , cf. X. An.7.7.28, etc.
    5 of Position, outside of, beyond, chiefly in early writers, ἐκ βελέων out of shot, Il.14.130, etc. ; ἐκ καπνοῦ out of the smoke, Od.19.7 ; ἐκ πατρίδος banished from one's country, 15.272 ; ἐκ μεσου κατῆστο sate down apart from the company, Hdt.3.83 ; ἐξ ἠθέων τὸν ἥλιον ἀνατεῖλαι out of its accustomed quarters, Id.2.142; ἐξ ὀφθαλμῶν out of sight, Id.5.24 ; ἐξ ὁδοῦ out of the road, S.OC 113.
    6 with Verbs of Rest, where previous motion is implied, on, in, δαῖέ οἱ ἐκ κόρυθος..πῦρ lighted a fire from (i.e. on) his helmet, Il.5.4 ; ἐκ ποταμοῦ χρόα νίζετο washed his body in the river ( with water from the river), Od.6.224 : freq. with Verbs signifying hang or fasten, σειρήν..ἐξ οὐρανόθεν κρεμάσαντες having hung a chain from heaven, Il.8.19 ; ἐκ πασσαλόφι κρέμασεν φόρμιγγα he hung his lyre from (i.e. on) the peg, Od.8.67 ; ἀνάπτεσθαι ἔκ τινος fasten from i.e. upon) a thing, 12.51 ;

    μαχαίρας εἶχον ἐξ ἀργυρέων τελαμώνων Il.18.598

    ; πρισθεὶς ἐξ ἀντύγων gripped to the chariot-rail, S.Aj. 1030, etc.; ἐκ τοῦ βραχίονος ἵππον ἐπέλκουσα leading it [ by a rein] upon her arm, Hdt.5.12 : with Verbs signifying hold, lead, ἐξ ἐκείνων ἔχειν τὰς ἐλπίδας to have their hopes dependent upon them, Th.1.84 ; ἐκ χειρὸς ἄγειν lead by the hand, Bion Fr.7.2 ; ἐκ ποδὸς ἕπεσθαι ib.6.2 ;

    ἐκ τῆς οὐρᾶς λαμβάνεσθαι Luc.Asin.23

    : with the Art. indicating the place of origin, οἱ ἐκ τῶν νήσων κακοῦργοι the robbers of the islands, Th.1.8, cf. 2.5, 13 ; τοὺς ἐκ τῆς ναυμαχίας those in the sea-fight, Pl. Ap. 32b ; τοὺς ἐκ τῶν σκηνῶν those in the tents, D.18.169 ;

    ἁρπασόμενοι τὰ ἐκ τῶν οἰκιῶν X.Cyr.7.2.5


    οἱ ἐκ τοῦ πεδίου ἔθεον Id.An. 4.6.25

    : even with Verbs of sitting or standing, εἰσεῖδε στᾶσ' ἐξ Οὐλύμποιο from Olympus where she stood, Il.14.154 ; καθῆσθαι ἐκ πάγων to sit on the heights and look from them, S.Ant. 411 ;

    στὰς ἐξ ἐπάλξεων ἄκρων E.Ph. 1009

    ; ἐκ βυθοῦ at the bottom, Theoc.22.40 : phrases, ἐκ δεξιᾶς, ἐξ ἀριστερᾶς, on the right, left, X.Cyr.8.3.10, etc.; οἱ ἐξ ἐναντίας, οἱ ἐκ πλαγίοὐ ib.7.1.20 ; ἐκ θαλάσσης, opp. ἐκ τῆς μεσογείας, D.18.301.
    II OF TIME, elliptic with Pron. relat. and demonstr., ἐξ οὗ [ χρόνου] since, Il.1.6, Od.2.27, etc.; in apod., ἐκ τοῦ from that time, Il.8.296 ;

    ἐκ τούτου X.An.5.8.15

    , etc. (but ἐκ τοῖο thereafter, Il.1.493, and ἐκ τούτων or ἐκ τῶνδε usu. after this, X.Mem.2.9.4, S.OT 235) ;

    ἐξ ἐκείνου Th.2.15

    ; ἐκ πολλοῦ (sc. χρόνου) for a long time, Id.1.68, etc.;

    ἐκ πλέονος χρόνου Id.8.45

    ; ἐκ πλείστου ib.68 ; ἐξ ὀλίγου at short notice, Id.2.11 (but also a short time since, Plu.Caes.28) ;

    ἐκ παλαιοῦ X.Mem.3.5.8


    ἐκ παλαιτάτου Th.1.18

    2 of particular points of time,

    ἐκ νεότητος..ἐς γῆρας Il.14.86


    ἐκ γενετῆς 24.535

    ; ἐκ νέου, ἐκ παιδός, from boyhood, Pl.Grg. 510d, R. 374c, etc.;

    ἐκ μικροῦ παιδαρίου D.53.19


    ἐξ ἀρχῆς A.Eu. 284

    , etc.; καύματος ἔξ after hot weather, Il.5.865; νέφος ἔρχεται οὐρανὸν εἴσω αἰθέρος ἐκ δίης after clear weather, 16.365 ;

    ἐκ δὲ αἰθρίης καὶ νηνεμίης συνδραμεῖν ἐξαπίνης νέφεα Hdt.1.87

    ; so (like ἀπό II) ἐκ τῆς θυσίης γενέσθαι to have just finished sacrifice, ib.50, etc.; ἐκ τοῦ ἀρίστου after breakfast, X.An.4.6.21 ; ἐξ εἰρήνης πολεμεῖν to go to war after peace, Th. 1.120 ;

    γελάσαι ἐκ τῶν ἔμπροσθεν δακρύων X.Cyr.1.4.28


    κάλλιστον ἦμαρ εἰσιδεῖν ἐκ χείματος A.Ag. 900


    τὴν θάλασσαν ἐκ Διονυσίων πλόϊμον εἶναι Thphr.Char.3.3

    ; ἐκ χειμῶνος at the end of winter, Plu. Nic.20.
    3 at, in,

    ἐκ νυκτῶν Od.12.286


    ἐκ νυκτός X.Cyr.1.4.2

    , etc.;

    ἐξ ἡμέρας S.El. 780


    ἐκ μέσω ἄματος Theoc.10.5

    ; ἐκ τοῦ λοιποῦ or ἐκ τῶν λοιπῶν for the future, X.Smp.4.56, Pl.Lg. 709e.
    3 of Place of Origin or Birth,

    ἐκ Σιδῶνος..εὔχομαι εἶναι Od.15.425

    , cf. Th.1.25, etc.;

    ἐκ τῶν ἄνω εἰμί Ev.Jo.8.23

    ; ἡ ἐξ Ἀρείου πάγου βουλή the Areopagus, Arist.Ath.4.4, etc. ;

    οἱ ἐκ τῆς διατριβῆς ταύτης Aeschin.1.54

    ; οἱ ἐκ τοῦ Περιπάτου the Peripatetics, Luc.Pisc.43 ; ὁ ἐξ Ἀκαδημείας the Academic, Ath.1.34b ;

    οἱ ἐκ πίστεως Ep.Gal.3.7


    οἱ ἐξ ἐριθείας Ep.Rom.2.8

    4 of the Author or Occasion of a thing, ὄναρ, τιμὴ ἐκ Διός ἐστιν, Il.1.63,2.197, cf. Od.1.33, A.Pers. 707, etc.; θάνατος ἐκ μνηστήρων death by the hand of the suitors, Od.16.447 ; τὰ ἐξ Ἑλλήνων τείχεα walls built by them, Hdt.2.148 ; κίνημα ἐξ αὑτοῦ spontaneous motion, Plot.6.1.21 ;

    ὕμνος ἐξ Ἐρινύων A.Eu. 331

    (lyr.) ;

    ἡ ἐξ ἐμοῦ δυσβουλία S.Ant.95


    ὁ ἐξ ἐμοῦ πόθος Id.Tr. 631

    5 with the agent after [voice] Pass. Verbs, by, Poet. and early Prose, ἐφίληθεν ἐκ Διός they were beloved of (i.e.by) Zeus, Il.2.669 ; κήδε' ἐφῆπται ἐκ Διός ib. 70;

    προδεδόσθαι ἐκ Πρηξάσπεος Hdt.3.62


    τὰ λεχθέντα ἐξ Ἀλεξάνδρου Id.7.175

    , cf. S.El. 124 (lyr.), Ant.93, Th.3.69, Pl.Ti. 47b;

    ἐξ ἁπάντων ἀμφισβητήσεται Id.Tht. 171b


    ὁμολογουμένους ἐκ πάντων X.An.2.6.1


    τὰς ἐκ θεῶν τύχας δοθείσας S.Ph. 1316

    , cf. Pl.Ly. 204c : with neut. Verbs,

    ἐκ..πατρὸς κακὰ πείσομαι Od.2.134

    , cf. A.Pr. 759 ;

    τλῆναί τι ἔκ τινος Il.5.384


    θνήσκειν ἔκ τινος S.El. 579

    , OT 854, etc.;

    τὰ γενόμενα ἐξ ἀνθρώπων Hdt.1.1

    8 freq. as periphr. for Adv.,

    ἐκ προνοίας IG12.115.11

    ; ἐκ βίας by force, S.Ph. 563 ;

    ἐκ δόλου Id.El. 279


    ἐκ παντὸς τρόπου ζητεῖν Pl.R. 499a

    : esp. with neut. Adjs., ἐξ ἀγχιμόλοιο, = ἀγχίμολον, Il.24.352 ;

    ἐκ τοῦ ἐμφανέος Hdt.3.150

    ; ἐκ τοῦ φανεροῦ, ἐκ τοῦ προφανοῦς, Th.4.106, 6.73 ;

    ἐκ προδήλου S.El. 1429

    ; ἐξ ἴσου, ἐκ τοῦ ἴσου, Id.Tr. 485, Th.2.3 ;

    ἐξ ἀέλπτου Hdt.1.111

    , etc.: with fem. Adj.,

    ἐκ τῆς ἰθέης Id.3.127


    ἐκ νέης Id.5.116


    ἐξ ὑστέρης Id.6.85


    ἐκ τῆς ἀντίης Id.8.6


    ἐκ καινῆς Th.3.92


    ἐξ ἑκουσίας S.Tr. 727

    ; ἐκ ταχείας ib. 395.
    9 of Number or Measurement, with numerals, ἐκ τρίτων in the third place, E.Or. 1178, Pl.Grg. 500a, Smp. 213b ; distributively, apiece, Ath.15.671b.
    c of Weight,

    ἐπιπέμματα ἐξ ἡμιχοινικίου Inscr.Prien.362

    (iv B.C.).
    B ἐκ is freq. separated from its CASE, Il.11.109, etc.—It takes an accent in anastrophe, 14.472, Od.17.518.—[dialect] Ep. use it with Advbs. in -θεν, ἐξ οὐρανόθεν, ἐξ ἁλόθεν, ἐξ Αἰσύμηθεν, Il.17.548, 21.335, 8.304 ;

    ἐκ Διόθεν Hes.Op. 765


    ἐκ πρῴρηθεν Theoc.22.11

    .—It is combined with other Preps. to make the sense more definite, as διέκ, παρέκ, ὑπέκ.
    C IN COMPOS. the sense of removal prevails ; out, away, off.
    2 to express completion, like our utterly, ἐκπέρθω, ἐξαλαπάζω, ἐκβαρβαρόω, ἐκδιδάσκω, ἐκδιψάω, ἐκδωριεύομαι, ἐξοπλίζω, ἐξομματόω, ἔκλευκος, ἔκπικρος.
    D As ADVERB, therefrom, Il.18.480.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > ἐκ

  • 11 ἵνα

    ἵνα (Hom.+) conjunction, the use of which increased considerably in H. Gk. as compared w. earlier times because it came to be used periphrastically for the inf. and impv. B-D-F §369; 379; 388–94 al.; Mlt. index; Rob. index.
    marker to denote purpose, aim, or goal, in order that, that, final sense
    w. subjunctive, not only after a primary tense, but also (in accordance w. Hellenistic usage) after a secondary tense (B-D-F §369, 1; Rob. 983; Mlt-Turner 100–102; JKnuenz, De enuntiatis Graecorum finalibus 1913, 15ff):
    α. after a present tense Mk 4:21; 7:9; Lk 6:34; 8:16; J 3:15; 5:34; 6:30; Ac 2:25 (Ps 15:8); 16:30; Ro 1:11; 3:19; 11:25; 1 Cor 9:12; Gal 6:13; Phil 3:8; Hb 5:1; 6:12; 1J 1:3 and oft.
    β. after a perfect Mt 1:22; 21:4; J 5:23, 36; 6:38; 12:40, 46; 14:29; 16:1, 4; 17:4; 1 Cor 9:22b al.
    γ. after a pres. or aor. impv. Mt 7:1; 14:15; 17:27; 23:26; Mk 11:25; J 4:15; 5:14; 10:38; 1 Cor 7:5; 11:34; 1 Ti 4:15; Tit 3:13. Likew. after the hortatory subj. in the first pers. pl. Mk 1:38; Lk 20:14; J 11:16; Hb 4:16.
    δ. after a fut. Lk 16:4; 18:5; J 5:20; 14:3, 13, 16; 1 Cor 15:28; Phil 1:26.
    ε. after a secondary tense: impf. Mk 3:2; 6:41; 8:6; Lk 6:7; 18:15 al.—Plpf. J 4:8.—Aor. Mt 19:13; Mk 3:14; 11:28; 14:10; Lk 19:4, 15; J 7:32; 12:9; Ro 7:4; 2 Cor 8:9; Hb 2:14; 11:35; 1J 3:5.
    w. fut. ind. (LXX e.g. Sus 28; En 15:5; TestSol 13:7; SIG 888, 87ff; OGI 665, 35; POxy 299; 1071, 5 ἵνα ποιήσουσιν καὶ πέμψουσιν; Gen 16:2 [Swete; ARahlfs, Genesis 1926 v.l.] al.; Just., D. 115, 6), beside which the aor. subj. is usu. found in the mss. (B-D-F §369, 2; Rob. 984; Mlt-Turner 100) ἵνα σταυρώσουσιν Mk 15:20 v.l. ἵνα ἐρεῖ σοι Lk 14:10. ἵνα δώσουσιν 20:10. ἵνα θεωρήσουσιν J 7:3. ἵνα δώσει 17:2 v.l.; Rv 8:3. ἐπισκιάσει Ac 5:15 v.l.; ξυρήσονται 21:24. κερδανῶ 1 Cor 9:21 v.l.; καυθήσομαι 13:3 v.l. καταδουλώσουσιν Gal 2:4. κερδηθήσονται 1 Pt 3:1. ἵνα … δηλώσεις Hv 3, 8, 10. The fut. ind. is also used oft. when ἵνα has no final mng., esp. in Rv: 1 Cor 9:18 (ἵνα as answer, as Epict. 4, 1, 99); Rv 6:4, 11; 9:4, 5, 20; 13:12; 14:13; 22:14. Occasionally the fut. ind. and aor. subj. are found in the same sentence Rv 3:9; cp. also Phil 2:10f v.l. (on this interchange s. Reinhold 106; JVogeser, Zur Sprache d. griech. Heiligenlegenden, diss. Munich 1907, 34f; Knuenz, op. cit. 23ff; 39; Dio Chrys. 26 [43], 7 ἵνα μὴ παρῶ … μηδὲ ἕξουσιν; POxy 1068, 5 ἵνα διαπέμψεται, ἵνα δυνηθῶ …).—On the interchange of pres. subj. and fut. ind. in J 15:8 s. GLee, Biblica 51, ’70, 239f.
    ἵνα is found w. the pres. ind. only in passages where the subj. is also attested in the mss.; its presence is prob. due to corruption of the text (B-D-F §369, 6; Rob. 984f; Mlt-Turner 100f. But see the clear instance in PAnt III, 188, 15: ἵνα μή ἐσμεν, and cp. BGU 1081, 3 ἐχάρην, ἵνα σὲ ἀσπάζομαι; TestNapht 8:2; PassPtPl 60 [Aa I, 170, 8] ἵνα κατευθύνει; AcPtPl 58 [Aa I, 203, 17]; AcPlTh 11 [Aa I, 243, 11 v.l.]). φυσιοῦσθε 1 Cor 4:6 and ζηλοῦτε Gal 4:17 could be subj. (B-D-F §91; Rob. 984). But Gal 6:12 v.l. διώκονται; Tit 2:4 v.l. σωφρονίζουσιν; J 5:20 v.l. θαυμάζετε; 17:3 v.l. γινώσκουσιν; 1J 5:20 v.l. γινώσκομεν; Rv 12:6 v.l. τρέφουσιν; 13:17 v.l. δύναται; ἵνα σύνετε B 6:5 v.l. (in text συνιῆτε; v.l. συνῆτε); ἵνα … ᾂδετε IEph 4:2 (Lghtf. ᾂδητε); μετέχετε ibid. (v.l. μετέχητε). διατάσσομαι ITr 3:3 (v.l. διατάσσωμαι). βλασφημεῖται 8:2 v.l.
    The opt. after ἵνα is not used in our lit. (B-D-F §369, 1; 386, 3; Rob. 983). Mk 12:2 v.l. ἵνα λάβοι (for λάβῃ). Eph 1:17 ἵνα δῴη (v.l. δῷ) is certainly subj., and δώῃ is the correct rdg. (B-D-F §95, 2; Mlt. 196f). Likew. ἵνα παραδοῖ J 13:2.
    after a demonstrative (Epict. 2, 5, 16 ἐν τούτῳ … ἵνα) εἰς τοῦτο for this (purpose, namely) that J 18:37; 1J 3:8; Ro 14:9; 2 Cor 2:9; 1 Pt 3:9; 4:6; B 5:1, 11; 14:5. εἰς αὐτὸ τοῦτο for this very purpose, that Eph 6:22; Col 4:8. διὰ τοῦτο for this reason … that (Himerius, Or. 14, 3) 2 Cor 13:10; Phlm 15; 1 Ti 1:16; the ἵνα clause can also precede διὰ τοῦτο J 1:31. τούτου χάριν … ἵνα for this reason … that Tit 1:5.
    ἵνα with ‘I should like to say this’ supplied is found also in earlier Gk (Soph. Ph. 989) Mk 2:10 (B-D-F §470, 3. Differently [a virtual impv.] DSharp, ET 38, 1927, 427f). The necessary supplement precedes in ἵνα δείξῃ (he said this), in order to show B 7:5.—Cp. J 15:13.
    marker of objective, that. Very oft. the final mng. is greatly weakened or disappears altogether. In this case the ἵνα-constr. serves as a substitute for an inf. that supplements a verb, or an acc. w. inf. (cp. Od. 3, 327 and a spurious document in Demosth. 18, 155. Later very common, also in ins, pap [Rdm.2 191ff]; LXX).
    after verbs w. the sense
    α. ‘wish, desire, strive’ (PGiss 17, 5 [II A.D.] ἠγωνίασα … ἵνα ἀκούσω; BGU 1081, 3 ἐχάρην, ἵνα σὲ ἀσπάζομαι) θέλειν ἵνα (TestAbr A 19, 101, 9 [Stone p. 50]) Mt 7:12; Mk 9:30; 10:35; Lk 6:31; J 17:24; 1 Cor 14:5. βουλεύεσθαι J 11:53; 12:10. συμβουλεύεσθαι Mt 26:4. συντίθεσθαι J 9:22. ἀγαλλιᾶσθαι joyfully strive after 8:56 (s. ἀγαλλιάω). ζητεῖν 1 Cor 4:2; 14:12; AcPlCor 2:8. ζηλοῦν 14:1. εὔχεσθαι ‘wish’ IPhld 6:3.
    β. ‘take care, be ashamed, be afraid’ φυλάσσεσθαι 2 Pt 3:17. προσέχειν take care that B 16:8. βλέπειν see to it, that 1 Cor 16:10.
    γ. ‘request, demand’: δεῖσθαι request (Dionys. Hal. 4, 12, 1; Lucian, Dom. 9; Jos., Ant. 6, 321; 12, 125 al.) Lk 9:40; 21:36; 22:32; B 12:7; Pol 6:2; Hv 3, 1, 2; Hs 5, 4, 1. ἐρωτᾶν request (s. ἐρωτάω 2) Mk 7:26; Lk 7:36; 16:27; J 4:47; 17:15 al. (JEarwaker, ET 75, ’64, 316f so interprets the third ἵνα in 17:21). παρακαλεῖν request, exhort (EpArist 318; 321, Jos., Ant. 14, 168) Mt 14:36; Mk 5:18; 6:56; 7:32; 8:22; Lk 8:32; 1 Cor 1:10 al. αἰτεῖσθαι Col 1:9 (Just., D. 30, 2 αἰτοῦμεν). προσεύχεσθαι Mt 24:20; 26:41; Mk 14:35; Lk 22:46; 1 Cor 14:13 al. εὔχεσθαι pray (s. εὔχομαι 1 end) Hs 5, 2, 10. εὐχαριστεῖν Eph 1:16f. ἀξιοῦν demand, request (CIG 4892, 13 [III A.D.]; Jos., Ant. 14, 22) Hv 4, 1, 3. καταξιοῦν ISm 11:1; IPol 7:2.
    δ. ‘summon, encourage, order’ (Epict, 4, 11, 29; 1 Esdr 8:19; EpArist 46) ἀπαγγέλλειν Mt 28:10. παραγγέλλειν (CIG 4957, 48 [68 A.D.] restored) Mk 6:8. διαμαρτύρεσθαι 1 Ti 5:21. ἐντέλλεσθαι (Jos., Ant. 7, 356) Mk 13:34; J 15:17. κηρύσσειν Mk 6:12. διαστέλλεσθαι Mt 16:20; Mk 5:43; 7:36; 9:9. ἐπιτιμᾶν warn Mt 16:20; 20:31; Mk 8:30; 10:48; Lk 18:39. ἐξορκίζειν Mt 26:63. ὁρκίζειν Hs 9, 10, 5. λέγειν order Mt 4:3; 20:21; Mk 3:9; 9:18; Lk 4:3; 10:40; Hv 2, 2, 6. γράφειν write (Jos., Ant. 11, 7; 127) Mk 9:12; 12:19; Lk 20:28. ἀποστέλλειν Ac 16:36.
    ε. ‘cause, bring about’ πείθειν Mt 27:20. ποιεῖν J 11:37; Col 4:16; cp. Rv 3:9; 13:16. τιθέναι appoint J 15:16. ἀγγαρεύειν Mt 27:32; Mk 15:21.
    ζ. ‘permit, grant’ ἀφιέναι Mk 11:16. On J 12:7 s. CBarrett, The Gospel According to St. John2, ’78, 413–14. διδόναι 10:37; Rv 9:5.
    η. συνευδοκεῖν Hs 5, 2, 8.
    after impers. expr.: ἀρκετόν (ἐστι) it is sufficient Mt 10:25. λυσιτελεῖ (εἰ … ἢ ἵνα) Lk 17:2. συμφέρει Mt 5:29f; 18:6; J 11:50. ἐμοὶ εἰς ἐλάχιστόν ἐστιν it is a matter of little consequence to me 1 Cor 4:3. ἔδει B 5:13. πολλὰ λείπει Hv 3, 1, 9.
    after nouns and adjs., esp. when they are parts of fixed expressions:
    α. χρείαν ἔχειν J 2:25; 16:30; 1J 2:27. ἔστιν συνήθεια J 18:39. θέλημά ἐστιν Mt 18:14; J 6:40; 1 Cor 16:12b. βουλὴ ἐγένετο Ac 27:42. ἐντολή (cp. Polyb. 36, 17, 10 νόμος) J 15:12; 11:57; 13:34; Ac 17:15; 2J 6. δέησις Eph 6:19. ἐξουσία Ac 8:19. ἐμὸν βρῶμά ἐστιν J 4:34. τίς ἐστιν ὁ μισθός; ἵνα … 1 Cor 9:18.
    β. οὐκ εἰμὶ ἱκανός Mt 8:8; Lk 7:6. οὐκ εἰμὶ ἄξιος J 1:27; cp. Hs 9, 28, 5. S. B-D-F §379; Rob. 996.
    after nouns mng. time: χρόνον διδόναι, ἵνα give time Rv 2:21. ἔρχεται ἡ ὥρα the time comes (Aesop, Fab. 242 H. ἡ ἡμέρα, ἵνα=the day on which) J 12:23; 13:1; 16:2, 32. S. B-D-F §382, 1; 393.
    ἵνα can also take the place of the explanatory inf. after a demonstrative (B-D-F §394; Rdm.2 192.—Wsd 13:9; Just., D. 14, 2 τοῦτο γάρ ἐστι τὸ σύμβολον τῶν ἀζύμων, ἵνα μὴ …) Mk 11:28. πόθεν μοι τοῦτο ἵνα ἔλθῃ (for τὸ ἐλθεῖν τὴν κτλ.) Lk 1:43 (cp. GJs 12:2). τοῦτο προσεύχομαι ἵνα Phil 1:9. cp. 1 Cor 9:18. This is a favorite usage in J: τοῦτό ἐστιν τὸ ἔργον τοῦ θεοῦ ἵνα πιστεύητε (for τὸ πιστεύειν ὑμᾶς) 6:29; cp. vs. 50. μείζονα ταύτης ἀγάπην οὐδεὶς ἔχει ἵνα … θῇ (for τοῦ θεῖναι) 15:13; cp. 3J 4.—J 6:39; 17:3; 1J 3:11, 23; 4:21; 5:3; 2J 6a. ἐν τούτῳ: ἐν τούτῳ ἐδοξάσθη ὁ πατήρ μου ἵνα … φέρητε (for ἐν τῷ φέρειν ὑμᾶς ἐδοξάσθη) J 15:8; cp. 1J 4:17.—S. also Hs 9, 28, 4, and ποταπὴν ἀγάπην ἵνα 1J 3:1.
    ἵνα is used elliptically ἀλλʼ ἵνα but this has happened that, where the verb to be supplied must be inferred fr. the context (Epict. 1, 12, 17): ἀλλʼ ἵνα μαρτυρήσῃ (sc. ἦλθεν) J 1:8. ἀλλʼ (ἐγένετο ἀπόκρυφον) ἵνα ἔλθῃ εἰς φανερόν but it was hidden that it might be revealed Mk 4:22 (but cp. CCadoux, JTS 42, ’41, 169 n. 3). ἀλλʼ (κρατεῖτέ με) ἵνα πληρωθῶσιν but you are holding me (prisoner), that 14:49. ἀλλʼ (ἐγένετο τυφλὸς) ἵνα φανερωθῇ J 9:3. ἀλλʼ (ἀποθνῄσκει) ἵνα … συναγάγῃ 11:52.—13:18; Hv 3, 8, 10 (cp. 1b above).
    ἵνα w. subjunctive as a periphrasis for the impv. (B-D-F §387, 3; Mlt. 178; 210f; 248; Rob. 994; Mlt-Turner 94f; FSlotty, D. Gebr. des Konj. u. Opt. in d. griech. Dialekten I 1915, 35; CCadoux, The Impv. Use of ἵνα in the NT: JTS 42, ’41, 165–73; in reply HMeecham, JTS 43, ’42, 179f, also ET 52, ’40/41, 437; AGeorge, JTS 45, ’44, 56–60. Goodsp., Probs. 57f.—Soph., Oed. Col. 155; Epict. 4, 1, 41, Enchir. 17; PTebt 408, 17 [3 A.D.]; BGU 1079, 20; PFay 112, 12; POxy 299, 5 ἵνʼ εἰδῇς ‘know’; PGM 4, 2135; Tob 8:12 BA; 2 Macc 1:9. ἵνα πρὶν τούτων ἴδητε τὴν ἀπώλειαν τῶν υἱῶν ‘before these events, you shall behold the destruction of your sons’ En 14:6. κύριε, ἵνα γινώσκῃ τὸ σὸν κράτος ὅτι ‘Lord, may you in your majesty know, that …’ TestAbr A 4 p. 80, 35f [Stone pp. 8 and 10]). ἵνα ἐπιθῇς τὰς χεῖρας αὐτῇ please lay your hands on her Mk 5:23. ἡ δὲ γυνὴ ἵνα φοβῆται τ. ἄνδρα the wife is to respect her husband Eph 5:33. Cp. Mt 20:33; Mk 10:51; 1 Cor 7:29; 16:16; 2 Cor 8:7; Gal 2:10. ἵνα ἀναπαήσονται let them rest Rv 14:13. W. θέλω: θέλω ἵνα δῷς Mk 6:25 (=δός Mt 14:8.).—On Mk 2:10 s. 1f above.
    ἵνα without a finite verb, which can be supplied fr. the context (Epict. 3, 23, 4 ἵνα ὡς ἄνθρωπος, i.e. ἐργάζῃ) ἵνα ἡμεῖς εἰς τὰ ἔθνη, αὐτοὶ δὲ εἰς τὴν περιτομήν (i.e. εὐαγγελιζώμεθα and εὐαγγελίζωνται) Gal 2:9. ἵνα κατὰ χάριν (γένηται) Ro 4:16. ἵνα ἄλλοις ἄνεσις (γένηται) 2 Cor 8:13. ἵνα (γένηται) καθὼς γέγραπται 1 Cor 1:31 (B-D-F §481; Rob. 1202f).
    marker serving as substitute for the inf. of result, so that (‘ecbatic’ or consecutive use of ἵνα: B-D-F §391, 5; Mlt. 206–9; Rob. 997–99 and in SCase, Studies in Early Christianity [Porter-Bacon Festschr.] 1928, 51–57; EBlakeney, ET 53, ’41/42, 377f, indicating that the result is considered probable, but not actual. But this distinction is not always strictly observed. Cp. Epict. 1, 24, 3; 25, 15; 27, 8 al.; 2, 2, 16 οὕτω μωρὸς ἦν, ἵνα μὴ ἴδῃ; Vett. Val. 185, 31; 186, 17; 292, 20; Jos., Bell. 6, 107; Just., D. 112, 5; PLond III, 964, 13 p. 212 [II/III A.D.]. Many exx. in AJannaris, An Historical Greek Grammar 1897 §1758 and 1951) ἦν παρακεκαλυμμένον ἀπʼ αὐτῶν ἵνα μὴ αἴσθωνται αὐτό it was concealed from them, so that they might not comprehend it Lk 9:45. τίς ἥμαρτεν, ἵνα τυφλὸς γεννηθῇ; Who sinned, so that he was born blind? J 9:2. Cp. 2 Cor 1:17; Gal 5:17; 1 Th 5:4; 1J 1:9; Rv 9:20; 13:13; Hs 7:2; 9, 1, 10.—In many cases purpose and result cannot be clearly differentiated, and hence ἵνα is used for the result that follows according to the purpose of the subj. or of God. As in Semitic and Gr-Rom. thought, purpose and result are identical in declarations of the divine will (Ps.-Callisth. 2, 16, 10 the rule of the Persian king is being overthrown by the deity ἵνα Δαρεῖος … φυγὰς γενόμενος κτλ. Here ἵνα means both ‘in order that’ and ‘so that’): Lk 11:50; J 4:36; 12:40; 19:28; Ro 3:19; 5:20; 7:13; 8:17; 11:31f al. (ESutcliffe, Effect or Purpose, Biblica 35, ’54, 320–27). The formula ἵνα πληρωθῇ is so to be understood, since the fulfillment is acc. to God’s plan of salvation: Mt 1:22; 2:15; 4:14; 12:17; 21:4; 26:56; J 12:38; 17:12; 19:24, 36.—The ἵνα of Mk 4:12=Lk 8:10, so much in dispute, is prob. to be taken as final (w. AvVeldhuizen, NTS 8, 1925, 129–33; 10, 1927, 42–44; HWindisch, ZNW 26, 1927, 203–9; JGnilka, Die Verstockung Israels ’61, 45–48; B-D-F §369, 2 [here, and B-D-R p. 386f n. 2, the lit. on ‘causal’ ἵνα, which is allowed at least for Rv 22:14 and perh. 14:13, where P47 has ὅτι; see 2g]. S. also FLaCava, Scuola Cattol. 65, ’37, 301–4; MBlack, An Aramaic Approach3, ’67, 211–16; ISluiter, Causal ἵνα, Sound Greek: Glotta 70, ’92, 39–53. On J 12:7 s. τηρέω 2a).
    marker of retroactive emphasis, that. At times, contrary to regular usage, ἵνα is placed elsewhere than at the beginning of its clause, in order to emphasize the words that come before it (B-D-F §475, 1; cp. the position of ὅτι Gal 1:11): τὴν ἀγάπην ἵνα γνῶτε 2 Cor 2:4. εἰς τὸν ἐρχόμενον μετʼ αὐτὸν ἵνα πιστεύσωσιν Ac 19:4. τῷ ὑμετέρῳ ἐλέει ἵνα Ro 11:31. Cp. J 13:29; 1 Cor 7:29; Gal 2:10; Col 4:16b.—EStauffer, Ἵνα u. d. Problem d. teleol. Denkens b. Pls: StKr 102, 1930, 232–57; JGreenlee, ἵνα Substantive Clauses in the NT: Asbury Seminarian 2, ’47, 154–63; HRiesenfeld, Zu d. johanneischen ἵνα-Sätzen, StTh 19, ’65, 213–20; MBlack, An Aramaic Approach3, ’67, 76–81.—Frisk. M-M. EDNT. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἵνα

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